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Outstanding Russian Journalism on Local Governance Celebrated

On March 4, 2006, the USAID-supported Foundation for Information Policy Development held a high-profile awards ceremony at the Federation Council to recognize the winners of its third annual “Vlast’ Narodnaya” (Power of the People) Contest.  This year, 31 journalists were honored for their coverage of local governance issues and the reform process. The Russian government has declared local governance reform to be a federal priority. Senator Roketskiy, Chairman of the Federation Council’s Committee on local governance reform, and Presidential Advisor Samoilov presented awards at the ceremony.

Presidential Advisor Samoilov presents the third prize to journalist Veronika Latypova from Kazan, as Senator Raketskiy (left) waits his turn to present
Presidential Advisor Samoilov presents the third prize to journalist Veronika Latypova from Kazan, as Senator Raketskiy (left) waits his turn to present

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