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Performance Measures

GSA's acquisition performance measures describe its successes or failures in achieving the agency's strategic goals and mission.

This site provides statistics and information that will allow users to gauge GSA's effectiveness and efficiency in satisfying its overall federal procurement mission. The information will:

  • Enable users to understand how GSA is performing organizationally and collectively;
  • Provide measures to show the strengths of GSA's performance; and
  • Identify areas where improvement is needed.

The statistical data represents GSA's overall performance in meeting established performance goals reported to the Administrator quarterly. The measures include:

  • GSA's progress toward the Performance-Based Contracting goals set by the Office of Management and Budget;
  • How well the contracts GSA writes deliver on cost, schedule and performance. Using data obtained through the Past Performance Information Retrieval System (PPIRS) is able to measure our performance; and
  • GSA's Cost-to-Spend compared with an industry benchmark (Cost-to-Spend is an accepted industry measure for identifying the value provided by the purchasing function of an organization. It represents the average cost, over a given time, of the total cost involved in acquiring the goods and services needed in support of an organization's mission).