In This Chapter

Chapter 13.
Employment Projections


The projections are released online and subsequently appear in BLS bulletins, the Monthly Labor Review, and the Occupational Outlook Quarterly. The Quarterly also publishes articles related to career preparation, such as occupational profiles, jobseeking information, and understanding wage and benefits data.

Part of each biennial projection study is the release of two publications with extensive information about occupational change: the Occupational Outlook Handbook and Occupational Projections and Training Data. The Handbook covers hundreds of occupations. In addition to outlook data for each occupation, it includes information on the nature of the work, training requirements, working conditions, and earnings. The Handbook is used as a primary source of information for people choosing a career and is available in many career centers of high schools and colleges, as well as in libraries. Occupational Projections and Training Data presents detailed statistics on employment, occupational separations, and education and training completions. Most of the data presented are for the occupations in the Handbook and supplement that resource.

Next: Accuracy