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Women's Heart Foundation - WHF

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Other Contact Information

PO Box 7827
West Trenton, NJ 08628

609-771-9600 (Voice)
609-771-3778 (FAX)


The Women's Heart Foundation (WHF) is a charitable organization dedicated to improving the survival and quality of life for women with heart disease. The goals of WHF are to (1) provide for the education of women as consumers concerning heart disease as it affects them economically, culturally, physiologically, psychologically and spiritually; (2) provide for the education of health professionals concerning the unique needs of women with heart disease; (3) advocate for research into the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and outcome of heart disease as it affects women, particularly minority women; and (4) support women as caregivers. WHF responds to the health crisis of women's heart disease by designing and implementing various wellness programs such as the Women's Heart Week. This outreach effort raises awareness about heart disease in women and promotes prevention, education, symptoms awareness, and early intervention.

Online Resources

Print Resources

The Women's Heart Foundation (WHF) disseminates and publishes educational materials on heart related-related topics, including exercise and nutrition, wellness, and surgery. WHF produces an electronic newsletter that provides heart-healthy recipes, women's stories, news articles, and notice of upcoming events. WHF also produces heart care products such as books, banners, and wearables. In addition, WHF maintains an online library, which links to Adobe Acrobat Reader files on healthy heart guides, shopping for a healthy heart, and miscellaneous.

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Review Date

Thu Mar 16, 2006