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Asian & Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence - APIAHF

Organization URL(s)  External Link

Other Contact Information

450 Sutter Street, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94108

800-799-7233 (Voice - Toll-free, National Hotline)
415-954-9988 (Voice, Ext 315)
415-954-9999 (FAX)


The Asian & Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence is a national network of advocates; community members; professionals from health, mental health, law, education, and social services, survivors; scholars; researchers; and activists from public policy, community organizations, youth programs, immigrants' rights networks, communities of color, women's groups, lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender communities, and other social justice organizations. Our mission: to eliminate domestic violence in Asian & Pacific Islander communities by increasing awareness about the extent and depth of the problem; making culturally specific issues visible; strengthening community models of prevention and intervention; identifying and expanding resources; informing and promoting research and policy; and deepening our understanding and analyses of the issues surrounding violence against women. The Institute is part of the Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum.

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Review Date

Wed Jan 7, 2009