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Association for Transpersonal Psychology - ATP

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Other Contact Information

P.O. Box 50187
Palo Alto, CA 94303

650-424-8764 (Voice)
650-618-1851 (FAX)


Transpersonal psychology is concerned with the study of the deepest potentials of humanity and their impact on individuals, groups, and cultures. The transpersonal perspective draws from modern science, ancient wisdom traditions, and the humanities, considering the human condition within personal, cross-cultural, and global contexts. The Association for Transpersonal Psychology is a membership based international coordinating organization for scientific, social, and clinical transpersonal work that serves the world community. Recognizing the reciprocity inherent between our actions and our world, the Association is dedicated to encouraging practices and perspectives that will lead to a conscious, sustainable, co-evolution of culture, nature, and society.

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Review Date

Fri Jan 9, 2009