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Families USA

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1201 New York Avenue NW
Suite 1100

Washington, DC 20005

202-628-3030 (Voice)
202-347-2417 (FAX)


This is a national nonprofit, non-partisan organization dedicated to the achievement of high-quality, affordable health and long-term care for all Americans. Families USA works at the national, state and community levels to: manage a grassroots advocates' network of organizations and individuals working for the consumer perspective in the national and state health policy debates. Membership in the network, asap! and its subgroup, the Medicaid Advocacy Network, is free to advocates. It distributes timely information and mobilizes people for action when appropriate; act as a watchdog over government actions affecting health care, alerting consumers to changes and helping them have a say in the development of policy; provide training and technical assistance to -- and work collaboratively with -- state- and community-based organizations as they address critical health care problems in their communities and state capitals; produce highly-respected health policy reports describing the problems facing health care consumers and outlining steps to solve them; conduct public information campaigns about the concerns of health care consumers using sophisticated media techniques that reach many millions of Americans through television, radio, newspaper and other print outlets; serve as a consumer clearinghouse for information about the health care system; help organizations secure public benefits for lower-income people through use of our innovative computerized benefit information services; work in concert with a wide range of organizations -- from business to consumer to health provider organizations -- towards the achievement of health care that is high-quality and affordable for all Americans.

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Review Date

Wed Nov 5, 2008