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National Asian Pacific Center on Aging - NAPCA

Organization URL(s)  External Link

Other Contact Information

1511 Third Avenue
Suite 914
Seattle, WA 98101-1626

206-624-1221 (Voice, )
206-624-1023 (FAX, )


The National Asian Pacific Center on Aging (NAPCA) is the leading advocacy organization committed to the well-being of elderly Asians and Pacific Islanders in America. NAPCA's goals are to: advocate on behalf of the APA aging community at the local, state and national levels; educate APA seniors and the general public on the unique needs of the APA aging community; and empower APA seniors and the aging network to meet the increasing challenges facing the APA aging community

Print Resources

"Asian Pacific Affairs", newsletter-no charge; "Demography of Asian Pacific Elders"-$5.00; "Bibliography of Asian Pacific Gerontology"-$3.00; "Social Security Insurance for Asian Pacific Elderly"-$1.00; Fax-It number above contains 300+ documents in 15 languages on topics such as health, wellness, nutrition, social services, employment, etc. Dial Fax-It number above from your fax machine for a catalog.

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Review Date

Mon Mar 27, 2006