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Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research - CIBMTR

Organization URL(s)  External Link

Other Contact Information

Froedtert and the Medical College of Wisconsin Clinical Cancer Center
9200 W. Wisconsin Avenue
Suite C5500
P.O. Box 26509
Milwaukee, WI 53226

414-805-0700 (Voice)
414-805-0714 (FAX)


The CIBMTR registry aims at improving the success rate of allogeneic and autologous blood and bone marrow transplantation by maintaining a statistical center for the collection and organization of clinical data, disseminating results of analyses of Registry data, and supporting clinical trials using bone marrow transplantation. The database has more than 106,000 recipients of allogeneic transplants and more than 95,000 recipients of autotransplants. The Registry also maintains a list of bone marrow transplant teams worldwide and periodically publishes a newsletter apprising transplanters of studies in progress in the Registry. The Registry does NOT maintain a roster of individuals who have volunteered to serve as donors of bone marrow for transplantation.

Online Resources

Print Resources

The Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR) publishes reports that appear in medical journals, including The Annals of Internal Medicine; Blood; Bone Marrow Transplantation; Clinical Bone Marrow Transplantation; and The Journal of the American Medical Association.

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Review Date

Thu Sep 11, 2008