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123 Edward St., Suite 1003
Toronto ON, M5G 1E2

800-665-FACE (Voice - Toll-free, 800-665-3223 X 24)
416-597-8494 (FAX)


AboutFace USA is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing information and emotional support to individuals with facial differences. Families are also included as part of the organization support network. The goal of AboutFace USA is to assist all persons with facial differences to have a positive self-image and self-esteem so that they can participate fully in their communities. The organization welcomes people whose facial differences are present at birth, such as cleft lip and palate, Treacher Collins, Hemangiomas, Moebius, and other conditions or syndromes. AboutFace also includes those who have differences that were developed or acquired as a result of illness, disease or trauma (stroke, cancer, Bell’s Palsy, accident, fire). AboutFace USA works to increase public understanding through awareness programs and education on behalf of those it serves. Services provided by AboutFace USA include (1) a peer network group that promotes communication and foster relationships between individuals sharing similar craniofacial differences, (2) a toll free hotline, (3) referral to early intervention services, and (4) social skill development.

Print Resources

AboutFace offers information and support for and on behalf of individuals with craniofacial anomalies and their families. The organization provides brochures and booklets on various conditions and psychosocial concerns related to facial differences. Topics include cleft lip and palate, hemangiomas and vascular malformations, and microtia. AboutFace also publishes a quarterly newsletter.

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Review Date

Thu Oct 9, 2008