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Resources and Research Center

In order to facilitate understanding of the needs and challenges in Indian country, NAIHC’s research department provides timely and comprehensive information. NAIHC’s research department is available to answer questions from tribal leaders, policy makers, financial institutions, and federal agencies.


For a HARD COPY of any report or if you have any questions, please contact the Research Department at 202-789-1754 or 800-284-9165

Sustaining Indian Housing:
An Evaluation of Tribal Economic Development and Its Impact on Housing in Four Case Studies
In this report, NAIHC analyzes four different tribal communities around the country, to determine the relationship between economic development, or lack thereof, and tribal housing conditions. What NAIHC discovered was that although economic development on tribal lands produces much needed jobs, it is slower to improve housing conditions for Native Americans. The study is designed to assist both tribes and non-Native entities in understanding the complex relationship between economic development and Indian housing. A supplemental video was produced in conjunction with the research study. For copies of the report or the video, contact the NAIHC research department. This study was completed in 2004 and approved by HUD for distribution in 2005.

Building the Framework:
Housing Infrastructure Development in Indian Country
This study and video examine how tribes are addressing their housing infrastructure needs under NAHASDA, using their Indian Housing Block Grants (IHBGs) and other funds. The study and video observe current infrastructure conditions in Indian country, including roads, water, sewer systems and utilities. The study and video discuss the impact of existing infrastructure on tribes’ abilities to provide housing, influential factors to infrastructure development and barriers/impediments to infrastructure development that have been confronted. These and other issues on infrastructure development in Native American and Alaska Native communities are discussed. (A supplemental VHS video is also available for this study. Supplies are limited.) Published in 2003.

High Cost Lending on Indian Reservations:
Watch Out if You Are Buying A Home
Working with the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), NAIHC surveyed its member tribes to determine the incidences of predatory lending in tribal areas. Published in 2003.

Technical Assistance Needs Assessment Study:
NAIHC conducted a Technical Assistance (TA) and Training Needs Assessment in an ongoing effort to enhance the management skills of tribally designated housing entities (TDHEs). The intent of this assessment is to determine TA/Training needs and where these services should be provided. NAIHC worked with tribes, TDHEs, Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act (NAHASDA) recipients, Native American housing program specialists, and others to obtain information for this study. Published in 2003.

Six Case Studies:
Tribal Self-Determination Utilizing NAHASDA Activities
This study examines successful and innovative housing projects in Native American communities. The study determined that some tribes must find other funding sources—in addition to NAHASDA—when providing housing to tribal members. The study also profiled various tribes and how they use NAHASDA for the six eligible activities: Indian housing assistance; development; housing services; housing management services; crime prevention and safety activites; and model activities. Published in 2002.

Too Few Rooms:
Residential Crowding In Native American Communities and Alaska Native Villages
This study examines the consequences of overcrowded homes, including educational, health and economic factors. It chronicles overcrowding from the perspective of various tribes. Published in 2001.

National American Indian Housing Council

50 F Street, NW Suite 3300 |  Washington, D.C. 20001
202-789-1754  |  800-284-9165  |  202-789-1758 (fax)

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