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Veterans Commission Seal
Service To Veterans
Missouri Veterans First

Through the Service to Veterans Program, accredited Veterans Service Officers (VSO) and Veterans Service Assistants (VSA) provide counseling and assistance to thousands of Veterans and their dependents throughout the state. Not only do these trained professionals counsel Veterans on available VA and state Veterans' benefits, but also complete and submit claims applications with all necessary documentation. Currently there are approximately 543,000 Veterans living in Missouri, and they are all potential clients.

Service Officers and Assistants are also available for any follow-up work necessary with the VA to obtain the maximum amount of earned benefits due any eligible Veterans and/or dependents. VSO/VSA’s are thoroughly trained and knowledgeable in all areas of Veterans benefits, including service-connected compensation, non-service connected disability pension, education and training, vocational rehabilitation, burial, and survivor benefits. They will also assist claimants with health care eligibility, VA Home Loan Guaranty, and other Veterans benefits, including those offered by the state.

Veterans Service Officers and Assistants have access to the VA’s Benefit Delivery Network system, allowing them to expedite the filing of claims and delivery of earned benefits to Veterans. Claimants must provide written authorization before the VA will grant access to a particular Veteran’s file. This can be done when the Veteran applies for their earned benefits.

Veteran Service offices are located in almost every county to make services available to Veterans close to their homes. Information concerning locations and phone numbers may be found in the local telephone directory under Missouri, State of, Veterans Commission, by contacting Central Office Headquarters at 573-751-3779, or by clicking Missouri Counties Map to locate the nearest office in your area.

Veterans Service Officers and Assistants are also available to groups interested in Veterans benefits. These qualified personnel may give presentations and instruction regarding the benefits for which Veterans may be eligible as a result of military service in the U.S. Armed Forces. Veterans Service Offices around the state can be found by clicking Veterans Service Offices.

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