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Division of Disability Determination

The Division of Disability Determinations (DDD) is responsible for making decisions regarding the medical eligibility of Florida citizens applying for disability benefits under the federal Social Security and Supplemental Security Income programs, and the state Medically Needy program. It is also responsible for conducting reviews of existing beneficiaries under the federal programs and determining continuing eligibility.

Annual budget is approximately $89 million with 972 positions assigned to offices located in Tallahassee, Jacksonville, Orlando, Tampa, Miami and Pensacola. Florida is the fourth largest state disability determinations service in the nation, processing approximately 6% of the national workload each year. During fiscal year 2002-03, Florida DDD completed decisions on 253,988 federal and 10,432 Medically Needy claims.

Applications for disability benefits are filed at the claimantÂ’s local Social Security field office when the claimant is seeking disability benefits under the Social Security Act, or at a local office of the Department of Children and Families (DCF) when benefits are being sought under the Medically Needy program. In both cases the application is forwarded to DDD for a determination of medical eligibility. The claim is then returned to either SSA or DCF for a final determination of non-medical eligibility and effectuation of any benefits due the claimant.