USAID: From the American People | ASIA
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Tsunami Reconstruction, Three Years Later

Saturday, December 22, 2007

In the days immediately following the December 26, 2004 tsunami and earthquake, swift action by the U.S. government, in cooperation with other donors and private organizations, ensured critical needs for water and sanitation were met, thus preventing a secondary disaster-related health crisis from occurring.

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and other U.S. government agencies launched a comprehensive reconstruction program with $656 million provided by Congress in May 2005 and signed into law by President Bush for the Tsunami Relief. When added to the funds spent by the Department of Defense on emergency Reconstruction Fund (including $31.3 million for efforts to combat the spread of avian influenza recovery assistance and relief aid, as well as food aid provided by USDA, U.S. government assistance totals $841 million.

In addition to the U.S. government response, the American people responded in great numbers. According to the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University, the total for U.S. private tsunami donations, including both cash and in-kind donations, is more than $1.8 billion.

Today, the U.S. government’s reconstruction efforts continue to include support to programs that are identified by the affected communities themselves: rebuilding roads; helping individuals return to their original livelihoods; training (particularly women) to develop new skills; strengthening the community governance and political infrastructure; and supporting host government-led early warning/disaster preparedness efforts. Additional details on the programs underway with the $656 million provided by the Tsunami Relief and Reconstruction Fund follow:

Indonesia ($405.7 million):

  • Installing and equipping community health clinics in 13 markets.
  • More than 150 midwives and 150 psychosocial caregivers trained.
  • Reopened 80 km of the coastal road from Banda Aceh to Meulaboh.
  • 490 homes built benefiting close to 2,000 internally displaced persons.  
  • Population with access to clean water increased by 20 per cent – from December 2005 through June 2006 – through repair or reconstruction of more than 1,580 water facilities, 2,015 latrines, 93,000 meters of sewage system and one new sewage treatment plant.  82,000m of irrigation canal and 6,700m of drainage ditches cleared.
  • 79 community centers, 47 village offices and 58 recreational facilities rebuilt; providing essential space for re-establishing communities.
  • More than 18,000 grants and loans provided to re-establish or start new businesses.  1,200 female entrepreneurs now have access to capital through community-managed revolving funds.
  • 7,000 farmers trained in organic coffee production and marketing, and microfinance provided to help re-establish savings and assets.
  • 350 Acehnese youth trained in vocational education programs.
  • Technical assistance provided to key reconstruction agencies; trained over 2,000 local government officials in planning and budgeting.
  • U.S. Government and Government of Indonesia signed agreement to defer and reschedule debt payments totaling approximately $20.1 million. Agreement will free resources for GOI to spend on reconstruction services for its citizens, including constructing houses and providing housing vouchers.

Successful implementation of democratic and peaceful local elections in Aceh Province as part of a peace agreement signed between Indonesian Government and the Free Aceh Movement. Provided election administration and oversight as well as voter education programs.

Sri Lanka ($134.6 million):

  • U.S. and Sri Lankan Governments signed agreement in September 2005 to defer and reschedule debt payments falling due in 2005.
  • Tourism Bounce Back Campaign contributed to recovery in European visitor arrivals to 67% of pre-tsunami levels. Included technical assistance to both Sri Lanka Tourism Board and EU Travel Agents.
  • Launched $2.3 million post-tsunami anti-corruption program to train over 250 members of Auditor General’s office and training for trainers that will reach 1,200 staff charged with preventing corruption.
  • Provided $6 million of livelihoods assistance to 34,890 households, exceeding the target of 29,000. More than 8,800 persons trained for new employment, over 2,000 households received loans, and more than 9,000 community organizations and businesses assisted. 
  • Construction underway on new $10.6 million Arugam Bay Bridge. Bridge will be 185m long and will link three coastal villages with strong tourism potential.
  • Work is underway on a $9.78 million contract to upgrade three fishing harbors. Completion expected March 2008. 
  • 25 of 85 playgrounds constructed. Completion expected by June 2007.
  • Upgraded nine public hospitals and community centers for disability access. Advocacy and awareness activities for schools in conjunction with Ministry of Education continue.  
  • U.S. Trade and Development Agency awarded a $561,000 grant to promote supply of safe drinking water and adequate sanitation facilities in two districts through training to the general public and local water technicians.

India ($17.9 million):

  • 16,000 children in anti-trafficking database provided with psychosocial support and linked with government educational and nutritional programs.
  • Seven water purification plants constructed benefiting 6,100 families.
  • Ten community-based wastewater treatment systems constructed and commissioned.
  • 20 waste management facilities constructed benefiting 8,900 families.
  • Disaster management committees formed in 5,200 communities.

Maldives ($12.0 million):

  • U.S. Government is funding installation of sewage systems, harbor repair, power systems repairs and upgrades to public accounting systems.

Thailand ($5.3 million)

  • Over 1,300 persons in five tsunami-affected communities received micro loans to restart and diversity their livelihoods
  • Microfinance loan program transformed into a sustaining Cooperative Credit Union, allied with over 1,300 similar Credit Unions in Thailand
  • 43 new businesses established and 235 livelihood activities restarted through project loans, grants or vocational training
  • A community learning center was constructed to continue over the long-term outreach and education efforts on community-based disaster management, computer training, sustainable livelihoods and environmental stewardship.
  • Regional knowledge sharing has identified opportunities for replicating best practices, including those of seven communities that are considered models in sustainable community-based management
  • 10 new Peace Corps Volunteers are providing teacher training and community outreach activities.

Regional Programs ($31.8 million):

  • The USG has continuously provides 24/7 hour- real time warning information services to the Indian Ocean Region through the its Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC), and will continue to do so until regional warning capabilities are established for the Indian Ocean.
  • Two Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis (DART) buoy systems were launched in partnership with Thailand and Indonesia, respectively, and are providing continuous real-time data to warning centers in the Indian Ocean. These buoy systems are currently the only fully operational buoys in the Indian Ocean.
  • In addition to DART systems, sea-level stations were upgraded in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives, seismic stations were upgraded in Indonesia, and Global Telecommunications System (GTS) linkages were installed in Sri Lanka and the Maldives to enhance the region’s ability to share critical disaster information.
  • Tsunami Warning Center Guidelines were developed to which will serve as the template for Indian Ocean tsunami warning centers.
  • Hazard maps and tsunami inundation models for Southeast Asia were created to assist regional governments better understand and plan for future earthquakes and tsunami risks in the region to design buildings and update codes that resist earthquakes.
  • Incident Command System (ICS)training has provided the foundation for national level disaster response in Sri Lanka, and is being introduced in Indonesia.
  • Tsunami early warning and rapid alert procedures have been introduced and institutionalized in Thailand and Indonesia.
  • Indonesia and Sri Lanka received 200 “RANET” satellite emergency radio units, and training, to provide a reliable alternative for issuing tsunami and disaster warning information to the “last kilometer” in coastal communities.
  • The first full scale tsunami simulation exercise of its kind in the Indian Ocean was supported in Thailand.
  • A demand-driven regional Coastal Community Resilience (CCR) initiative was launched to promote disaster planning that is integrated with efforts to improve livelihoods, coastal conservation, and governance.
  • The first accredited training course was delivered under a newly established International Tsunami Training Institute (ITTI) in partnership with the Asian Institute of Technology.

Other ($48.7 million):

  • In addition to the amounts listed above, the $656 million in the Tsunami Relief and Reconstruction Fund also includes funds for administration and oversight ($17.4 million) including the transfer authorized for support services for U.S. citizen victims and related operations, as well as funds for activities to prevent and control the spread of avian influenza virus ($31.3 million).

This U.S. government assistance to the tsunami-affected countries also includes activities such as:

Public-Private Partnerships:

  • Twenty-one public-private partnerships leveraged more than $30.8 million in private sector funds for reconstruction in tsunami-affected countries to help rebuild communities; develop livelihoods; promote sustainable timber; and build vocational skills. 
  • Partners in post-tsunami reconstruction include: Chevron, Coca Cola, UNOCAL, ConocoPhillips, Mars, Microsoft, Prudential, Caltex, Mercury Marine, JDC, American Joint Jewish Distribution Committee, The Rotary Club of Thailand, The Americares Foundation, Exxon Mobile, Timber for Aceh Partnership, Mellon Foundation, and the students of Maple Elementary School in Jefferson, IN. 
  • USAID also advised former Presidents Bush and Clinton on how to spend more than $13 million they raised from private sources.  Projects include: fishing boats in Thailand; playgrounds and a children’s hospital in Sri Lanka, education programs in India; “adopting” an island in The Maldives; helping to rebuild an entire community in Indonesia; and establishing a special Fulbright Scholarship program for future leaders from Aceh at Texas A & M and the University of Arkansas.


  • Given the unprecedented level of donor resources made available, ensuring that needed resources fit together to create a total package of assistance was critical. Such coordination is important to ensure that the worldwide outpouring of support to the people affected by this disaster is used in the most effective way possible. 
  • U.S. government donor collaboration took many forms. For example, several activities are coordinated through regional mechanisms, such as the International Tsunami Consortium convened by UN Special Envoy Bill Clinton, which is composed of six UN agencies, the World Bank, and the International Federation of the Red Cross. The IOC’s Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the IOTWS itself has also provided some donor coordination assistance through the IOTWS Implementation Plan incorporating IOTWS-related donor activities in the entire region.  The U.S. IOTWS Program has supported significant donor coordination with UN agencies and bilateral donors. 

Technical Assistance:

  • The devastation caused by the tsunami on the population, livelihoods, and infrastructure has severely taxed the ability of the local and national governments to respond. The U.S. government has provided technical assistance in the areas of audit and financial management, spatial planning, and information and communication technology to the tsunami-affected country governments to support their ability to provide rehabilitation and reconstruction services. For example, the U.S. government helped establish an online project tracking system for the Government of Indonesia and donors to monitor assistance and program results. 
  • The U.S. government has provided technical assistance to hundreds of scientists including geologists, meteorologists and oceanographers through mentorship, training, and exchanges in the U.S.


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