USAID: From the American People | ASIA

Democracy and Governance


In recent decades, countries in Southeast and East Asia have made substantial progress in establishing representational, accountable and effective governments. Nevertheless, pockets of repression persist, and the emerging democracies in the region continue to face challenges such as corruption, weak institutions and poor governance. While these problems are shared by many countries in the developing world, the improving economic performance of Southeast and East Asian countries offers a unique opportunity to embark on necessary political reforms.

USAID Response

USAID assists governments in the region to push forward with governance reforms. USAID's regional programs in democracy and governance bolster democratic institutions by strengthening government transparency, promoting legal and judicial reform, increasing executive branch capacity, expanding political competition, enhancing legislatures and improving local governance. These programs advance development by helping to ensure that citizens have a meaningful impact on the decisions that affect their lives. USAID programs focus on technical assistance that will help build the capacity of governments and civil society.

Current Activities

Democracy and Governance Articles

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