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Funding Sources

Research shows that funding continues to be one of the biggest obstacles to the acquisition of assistive technology for children with disabilities (Judge, 2000). For this reason, it is important that parents and professionals work together collaboratively to explore all possible funding options. Some of these options are described below.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

Under Part B, Section 619 of IDEA, assistive technology must be provided by the school district at no cost to the family, if it is identified as part of a child’s IEP ( 34CFR§ 300.105).

Under Part C, if assistive technology is identified as part of a child’s IFSP, it must be provided at no cost, unless subject to 34CFR§ 303.520 (b)(3). Federal regulations also state that Part C programs are "payers of last resort". This means that Part C dollars can only be used if the family has exhausted all other possible sources of funding (34CFR§ 303.527). However, no eligible child can be denied an assistive technology device or service because of a family's inability to pay.

For more information see the following article:

Assistive Technology Funding & Systems Change Project, United Cerebral Palsy Associations. (1999). Funding Of Assistive Technology: The Public School's Special Education System As A Funding Source: The Cutting Edge. Retrieved April 11, 2003 from

Private Medical Insurance

Many private insurance policies will pay for AT services and devices that are deemed medically necessary and prescribed by the child’s physician. The use of medical insurance to fund assistive technology must be voluntary on the part of families and must not result in any cost to the family. Excerpts from the following policy letters clarify this subject:

1. Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services (OSERS) Policy Letter to Rose, 18 Individuals with Disabilities Educ. L. Rep. 531 (9/19/91)

  • The AT must be at no cost to parent or child.
  • The LEA may access Medicaid or private insurance
  • Use must be voluntary; cannot deny services if parent refuses to authorize use
  • Use of other insurance must not result in any cost to parent, such as: (a) copayment; (b) deductible; and (c) reduction of an upper limit on coverage.

2. OSEP Policy Letter to Dr. O. Spann, 20 Individuals with Disabilities Educ. L. Rep. 627 (9/10/93); OSEP Policy Letter to W. Cohen, 19 Individuals with Disabilities Educ. L. Rep. 278 (7/9/92)

  • A parent's use of insurance is voluntary. If the parents refuse to consent to use of insurance, special education services cannot be denied.

3.OSEP Policy Letter to Anonymous, 21 Individuals with Disabilities Educ. L. Rep. 1057 (8/9/94)

  • If parents agree to use family-owned AT to fulfill IEP, school is responsible for maintenance and repair if damaged on school bus or at school.
  • If the school did not use the family-owned device, it would be responsible for providing and maintaining a needed device.


Medicaid is a jointly funded Federal-State medical insurance program for certain individuals and families with low incomes and resources. Medically necessary assistive technology services are covered under Federal Medicaid law, and assistive technology devices that are considered durable medical equipment are often covered under a state’s Medicaid regulations. Each state develops its own regulations, within broad national guidelines, and therefore the services covered may vary from state to state. Descriptions of individual State Medicaid Programs are available online.


The Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) program is a required component of State Medicaid programs. This program requires states to provide eligible children, from birth through age 21, any service listed in the Medicaid Act, even if it is not included in that State's Medicaid plan. This can be an important source of funding for assistive technology that may not otherwise be covered by a state’s regular Medicaid program.

State AT Loan Programs

Many states have loan programs funded under the Assistive Technology Act of 2004 /~images/icons/pdflogo.gif (PDF: 110kb) . These programs provide low interest loans with long repayment schedules for qualifying individuals. For more information, the Rehabilitation Engineering And Assistive Technology Society Of North America (RESNA) has a contact list of State AT Financial Loan Programs on its Web site.

Other Funding Sources

Some organizations such as the Lions, Sertoma, Masons or Kiwanis Clubs, National Easter Seal Society, Muscular Dystrophy Association, United Way, United Cerebral Palsy Association and March of Dimes may provide funding for assistive technology. Financial Aid for the Disabled and Their Families, by Gail A. Schlachter and R. David Weber, is a directory that lists a large number of financial aid opportunities. Indexes for searching the directory by program title, sponsoring organization, geographic coverage, subject field, and application deadline are included. The directory is available at many public and academic libraries.


Hager, R. M. & Smith, D. (2003). The public school’s special education system as an assistive technology funding source: The cutting edge. Buffalo, NY: Neighborhood Legal Services. Retrieved March 18, 2003 from

Judge S. L. (2000). Accessing and funding assistive technology for young children with disabilities. Early Childhood Education Journal. (28)2, 125-131.

See our minibibliography on Funding of Assistive Technology for Infants, Toddlers and Young Children with Disabilities - 2005 /~images/icons/pdflogo.gif (PDF: 175kb)

Links on this site are verified monthly. This page content was last updated on 07/23/2008.

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NECTAC is a program of the FPG Child Development Institute of UNC-CH