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Download the complete Fall 2007 issur of OnTap Magazine

Download the complete Fall 2007 issue of On Tap Magazine (PDF, 4.6MB)

OnTap divider logoCover Story
Controlling Cross Connections and Preventing Backflow
by Caigan McKenzie (PDF, 636 kb)
Cross connections and backflow can pose a serious threat to public health, allowing contaminants to enter drinking water supplies. In the article Controlling Cross Connections and Preventing Backflow, NESC Staff Writer Caigan McKenzie examines this topic and provides examples showing how systems can address this issue.

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Putting Your Watershed Plan to Work
How Watershed Groups Can Maintain Momentum

by Mark Kemp-Rye
(PDF, 869 kb)
In Putting Your Watershed Plan to Work, the final part of the four-part watershed series, On Tap Editor Mark Kemp-Rye looks at how community groups put plans to work and maintain interest in their projects.

How to Set Up a Basic Cross-Connection Control Program
by Glenn M. Tillman (PDF, 428 kb)
To prevent backflow and eliminate dangerous cross connections, a community must have a cross-connection control program. The article How to Set Up a Basic Cross-Connection Control Program shows exactly how to undertake such a program.

Are You Ready for Winter? (PDF, 832 KB)
by Rick Dennison (PDF, 560 kb)
Many parts of the country have already had their first taste of winter. The article Are You Ready for Winter? has some good ideas for utilities as they prepare for freezing temperatures.

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Tech Brief
Cross Connection and Backflow Prevention Poster
by Zane Satterfield (PDF, 320 KB)
Plumbing cross connections can link a potable water supply to a contamination source, causing a serious public health hazard. Cross connections can be controlled, but it takes vigilance and knowledge to carry out a good crossconnection control program. This poster illustrates some mechanical devises and methods used to control cross connections in commercial and industrial applications as well as for homeowners.

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In Every Issue
Ask the Experts (PDF, 180 KB)
On Tap’s panel of experts was asked the following question: “In January 2007, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency hosted a stakeholders meeting to discuss cross connections and backflow prevention. In July 2007, the agency established a Total Coliform Rule Distribution System Advisory Committee. Do you believe that cross connections pose a serious threat to public health threat? If so, should cross connections be addressed in a revised Total Coliform Rule?”

Calendar of Events (PDF, 204 KB)
What's coming up; Where it's happening; and Who to contact.

News and Notes (PDF, 436 KB)
The latest news and trends affecting the drinking water industry.

On the Web (PDF, 276 KB)
Useful Web site descriptions and links.

Drinking Water Products List (PDF, 128 kb)
Useful NESC/NDWC products for the drinking water industry.
Full Drinking Water Products List

Fun Times (PDF, 148 KB)
Entertaining games, quotes and trivia pertaining to drinking water.

Until Next Time (PDF, 292 KB)
While most Americans take safe drinking water for granted, more than a billion people around the world don't have access to this necessity and 2.5 billion people lack proper sanitation. What can we do to alleviate this problem? In Turning on the Tap for Global Safe Drinking Water John Sauer, communications director with the non-profit organization Water Advocates, discusses some successful efforts and shows ways we can further address this situation.

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Water Boards
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How do we keep the employees?
Tech Brief, Fall 2002 (PDF)

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