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Social Security Handbook

SSA Handbook Title Page

SSA logo: link to Social Security Online home Chapter 21: Supplemental Security Income

Table of Contents

2100.What is the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program?
2101.Who administers the SSI program?
2102.Purpose and Basic Principles
2103.Where does the SSI program operate?
2104.When are SSI benefits paid?
2105.How are SSI benefits financed?
2106.State Supplementation of Basic SSI Benefits
2108.Food Stamps
2109.Were you eligible for assistance under a Federal/State matching grant program for the aged, blind, or disabled in December 1973?
2110.SSI Definitions
2111.What are the general eligibility requirements for SSI?
2112.What are the categories of eligibility?
2113.Eligibility Criteria Based on Need
2114.What are other requirements for SSI eligibility?
2115.Citizenship/Alien Status
2116.Absence from the United States
2117.Filing for Other Benefits
2119.Are fugitive felons eligible for SSI?
2120.Are probation and parole violators eligible for SSI?
2123.Eligible Couples
2124.Eligibility Under More Than One Category
2125.Continuing Eligibility
2126.Recipient Reporting Requirements
2128.How does income affect SSI benefits?
2129.How is income defined for SSI purposes?
2130.What is NOT income for SSI purposes?
2131.Countable Income
2132.How Income is Counted
2133.When Income is Counted
2134.What is earned income?
2135.What are the earned income exclusions?
2136.What is "unearned income"?
2137.What are the unearned income exclusions?
2138.Assistance Related to Disasters
2139.Can home energy or support and maintenance assistance be excluded from income?
2140.In-Kind Income
2141.What is "in-kind support and maintenance"?
2142.Valuation of In-kind Support and Maintenance
2143.One-Third Reduction Rule
2144.Presumed Maximum Value Rule
2145.Temporary Absences and In-kind Support and Maintenance
2146.Acting as an "Agent"
2147.Tables of Federal Benefit Rates, One-third Reduction Values, and Presumed Maximum Values
2148.Role of Resources
2149.What is considered a resource for SSI purposes?
2150.Liquid and Non-liquid Resources
2151.What is NOT considered a resource?
2152.Ownership of Resources
2153.Countable Resources
2154.How Resources are Valued
2155.When are resources valued?
2156.What are the resource exclusions?
2157.Exclusion of an Automobile or Other Vehicle
2158.Is property needed for self-support excluded from resources?
2159.Life Insurance
2160.Do burial spaces count as resources?
2161.Burial Funds
2162.Resources Affected by a Disaster
2163.Real Property that Cannot be Sold
2164.Conditional Payments Despite Excess Resources
2165.Is your SSI eligibility affected if you dispose of a resource below its market value?
2166.What are the statutory resources limits?
2167.Deeming of Income and Resources
2168.Deeming from an Ineligible Spouse to an Eligible Individual
2169.Deeming from a Parent to a Child Under Age 18
2170.Deeming from a Sponsor to an Alien
2171.Deeming from an Essential Person to an Eligible Qualified Individual
2172.Special Provisions for Converted Recipients
2173.What is the purpose of work incentives for the blind and disabled?
2174.Continued Benefits for Participants in a Program of Vocational Rehabilitation, Employment, Training, or Other Support Service
2175.Impairment-Related Work Expenses
2176.Work Expenses of the Blind
2177.Plan to Achieve Self-Support (PASS)
2178.Special Cash Benefits to Disabled Individuals Who Engage in SGA
2179.Medicaid While Working
2180.What is the Federal SSI payment amount?
2181.State Supplementary Payments
2182.Computation of Payments
2183.Retrospective Monthly Accounting
2184.Proration of SSI Payments
2185.Windfall Offset
2186.Interim Assistance Reimbursement
2187.Direct Field Office Payments
2188.Presumptive Blindness/Presumptive Disability Payments
2189.Initial Determinations
2190.What administrative actions are NOT initial determinations?
2191.How does the appeals process work?
2194.Appeals Council Review
2195.What is the time limit for filing for civil action in a Federal District Court?
2196.Can the time limit for filing an appeal or hearing be extended?
2197.Reopening Determinations/Decisions Under the Rules of Administrative Finality
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Last reviewed or modified Wednesday Apr 01, 2009

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