USGS - science for a changing world

North Dakota Water Science Center

Water-Quality Estimates for Sheyenne River Sites

Select Site(s)

Water-quality physical property data provided in cooperation with the North Dakota State Water Commission and the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation.

Water-quality constituent concentration and load estimates developed in cooperation with the North Dakota State Water Commission.

Streamflow and gage height provided in cooperation with the North Dakota State Water Commission, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the Southeast Cass Water Resource District

Continuously Recorded Physical Properties from NWISWeb

Estimated Water-Quality Concentrations

Days to Plot

Estimate Concentration or Load

NOTE: There is a short period of record for streamflow gaging and water-quality sampling at the Flora and Bremen sites and water-quality sampling has been done during a period of relatively low streamflow. Operation of the Devils Lake Outlet is not taken into account in the equations because of the limited operation. Some of the equations may not estimate well during operation of the outlet, particularly at the Bremen site. We are monitoring the relations and may revise them in the future.

Estimated constituents may not plot during the winter (seasonal gages or ice-affected data), when physical property data is missing (such as when gage malfunctions), or when predictor variables are outside the range used to develop the estimation equations. Equations do not exist for every site/water-quality constituent combination.

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Page Last Modified: May 30, 2008