Contained in the Free Reports section, you’ll find key reports, studies, and other publications designed to help you understand some of the key issues involved in worksite health promotion programming.

Culture Counts: WELCOA Quick Culture Inventory Now Available At No Charge.

When it comes to creating healthier workplaces, it's all about culture. And to help you better understand the culture change process, we've created a brand new WELCOA Quick Culture Inventory. Assembled by WELCOA President, Dr. David Hunnicutt, this simple tool will help you to identify which of the major elements of your culture that need to be addressed in order to create a healthier climate for your employees.

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Designing Wellness Incentives Special Report Part 1 Now Available For Download At No Charge.

Incentives are about getting people to do things they would not generally otherwise do. Like it or not, people frequently don’t do what will help them stay healthy and live longer. Changing this situation is what Part 1 of this Special Report is all about.

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Designing Wellness Incentives Special Report Part 2 Now Available For Download At No Charge.

This Special Report is the second part of a two-part series dedicated to addressing incentives. In this report, you will find more information on how to structure and implement proactive incentive campaigns that will significantly increase participation rates in wellness programs. Be sure to refer back to part one if you have additional questions or need to see this information in an entire context.

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The Six Tests of Leading a Healthy Company

There are six tests of leading a healthy company. CEOs must successfully pass each if they are to keep their employees healthy and well.

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A New Way of Thinking

Capturing CEO support is both an art and a science. In this article, you'll find a new model for engaging the corner office.

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Hard Times,Tough People. Is Resilience In Your Future?

Nearly one-third of US workers say they often feel overworked or overwhelmed by what they have to do, according to a recent report by the Families and Work Institute. Ellen Galinsky, institute president and co-author of the study says," when you feel pressured and pushed, when you feel not respected, when you feel tension at work, when you feel the work that you do isn’t of real value, that leads to overwork…Our findings strongly suggest that every employee reaches a point when increasing work demands simply become too much...”

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Which Diets Are Best? A Low-Cost Programming Idea To Help Your Employees Choose The Right Weight Loss Approach...New Report Now Available At No Charge

These days, it seems that everyone is concerned about losing weight—and for good reason. With the majority of the population now overweight and/or obese, health researchers have been warning us of the devastating consequences of carrying too much weight. As a result, many Americans have become diet-crazed; frantically searching for the magic bullet—that "one" perfect approach that's finally going to help them shed unwanted pounds once and for all.

But which diets are best?

In this low-cost WELCOA Programming Idea, we present a number of credible and healthy ways to lose weight.

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Thrifty Ideas For Turbulent Times—All New WELCOA Special Report Now Available At No Charge

In the midst of the most serious economic downturn since the great depression, companies are clamoring for ways to save money on health benefits. Moreover, they're also looking for ways to better educate their employees on how to meet this crisis head-on. In this brand new WELCOA Special Report, expert Jeff Rubleski outlines key measures that employers can take to stretch their benefit dollars further and educate their employees on all things financial.

Thrifty Ideas For Turbulent Times is a must-read report.

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The Top Five Strategies to Enhance The ROI of Worksite Wellness Programs in Economically Challenging Times—WELCOA Special Report Now Available At No Charge.

Authored by Dr. Steven Aldana, CEO of WellSteps and one of the leading minds on ROI, this report highlights five important strategies that can significantly enhance ROI on worksite wellness programs.

In these fiscally tough times, you definitely don't want to miss this WELCOA Special Report.

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Five Steps To Maximizing Your Job Interview: Health Promotion Career Strategy Report Now Available At No Charge

When health, wellness, and human development are at stake, we clearly want every dime to have the value of a dollar. It's time we added one more resource to our wellness environments—coaching. Learn what High Quality Coaching is all about and learn how you can implement it in your organization to achieve serious results.

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Implementing Wellness Programs in Small Business Settings — Part 1

To help small business leaders develop and sustain wellness programs, WELCOA has issued a two-part special report. Specifically dedicated to addressing the art of implementing a great worksite wellness program in a small business setting, parts 1 and 2 set forth important wellness activities that every small employer should be embracing. By focusing on these 10 specific activities, small companies from all industries can deliver a worksite wellness program that will set them apart as an employer of choice.

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Implementing Wellness Programs in Small Business Settings — Part 2

To help small business leaders develop and sustain wellness programs, WELCOA has issued a two-part special report. Specifically dedicated to addressing the art of implementing a great worksite wellness program in a small business setting, parts 1 and 2 set forth important wellness activities that every small employer should be embracing. By focusing on these 10 specific activities, small companies from all industries can deliver a worksite wellness program that will set them apart as an employer of choice.

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Are You Ready? WELCOA Report Addresses Emergency Preparedness...A Must Read For All Wellness Professionals and HR Execs

In this essential report, we’ll address the issue of emergency preparedness and highlight the specific steps that need to be taken in order to keep your employees safe and the organization functional in the event of a catastrophic or unforeseen development. While the concept may seem a bit outside the traditional health promotion arena, that nation's most insightful experts remind us that it pays to be prepared for anything—and isn't that what prevention is all about?

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Fast Food And Your Employees...WELCOA Report Now Available At No Charge.

Nationally recognized expert, Dr. Steve Aldana, has revealed that the vast majority of the nation’s employees struggle when it comes to making healthy fast food decisions. To remedy this dilemma, Dr. Aldana has developed a hand-held, fast food nutrition guide. This guide should be considered essential when trying to eat healthy in a fast food world.

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The 10 Benefits of Conducting a Personal Health Assessment...Special WELCOA Report Now Available At No Charge.

In this article, we'll address the 10 benefits of conducting a personal health assessment. It's a must-read for those looking to persuade senior leadership to embrace the HRA process.

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Choosing The Right HRA Vendor...Special WELCOA Report Now Available At No Charge.

When it comes to effectively utilizing a health risk appraisal within your organization, the entire process really boils down to one thing: Choosing the right vendor. If you make the right choice, you're on easy street. If you make the wrong choice, your problems are just beginning.

In this article, we'll present 10 questions that should be asked of every potential HRA vendor. By asking these important questions, you'll maximize the odds that you choose the perfect partner.

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Expediting Employee Behavior Change By Implementing The Right Incentives...Special WELCOA Report Now Available At No Charge.

Bill Sims has been working with companies to develop tailored and customized incentive campaigns for years. As one of the leaders in the industry, Sims has helped many companies to improve employee health and contain costs.

In this interview, Bill Sims sits down with WELCOA President, Dr. David Hunnicutt, to discuss what works best when it comes to developing and implementing employee incentive-based wellness campaigns.

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12 Steps To Successfully Implementing A Personal Health Assessment--New WELCOA Report Now Available At No Charge.

Despite all the criticism and hard lessons learned about integrating Personal Health Assessments into a business environment, a clear pathway to success has finally emerged. In this WELCOA report, Dr. David Hunnicutt lays out the 12 steps to successfully delivering a PHA in an organizational setting. In addition, he lays out a suggested time-frame by which these steps should be implemented.

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Focusing on the Bottom Line: Program Evaluation Report Now Available At No Charge.

Evaluating outcomes and assessing the ultimate impact of a workplace wellness program are important challenges that every business and health leader must address. In this special report issued by WELCOA, the fundamentals of evaluation are discussed and practical suggestions and insights are set forth. In addition, several of the nation's brightest minds speak out on the topic of assessing bottom line impact. If you are looking to demonstrate outcomes in your workplace wellness program you won't want to miss this report.

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National Expert Provides Guidance On Worksite Health Screenings: Publication Now Available At No Charge.

To keep employees healthy and productive, the notion of providing health screenings has been embraced by companies all across the U.S. In this report, nationally-recognized expert Ann Sabbag, Founder and President of Florida-based Health Designs, Inc. and David Hunnicutt, President of WELCOA, discuss the importance of providing regular health screenings for all employees. In addition, critical information that will help you better design, deliver, and evaluate a screening initiative that will set your business apart as an employer of choice is revealed.

This is a must-read article for worksite wellness professionals.

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Can Incentives Really Maximize Wellness Program Participation? Special Report Now Available.

With worksite wellness booming and the idea of implementing results-oriented wellness programs finally resonating with business leaders, many in the field are now concentrating on ways to maximize participation. One of the key ways in doing this is through the utilization of incentives—but do they really work?

In this WELCOA Special Report we'll examine this topic and provide both pragmatic and practical information to help you answer this question. So, if you're charged with maximizing wellness program participation within your company, this report is a must-read.

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Utilizing Incentives To Increase Participation...WELCOA Special Report Now Available At No Charge.

In the world of worksite wellness, incentives are red-hot right now—and for good reason. If used effectively, wellness incentives can significantly increase participation and improve the likelihood that employees will embrace, and ultimately adopt, healthier behaviors. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at wellness incentives and how you can leverage them to improve your company’s wellness programming efforts.

By absorbing the information contained in this article, you will obtain a better understanding of wellness incentives from end-to-end. In addition, the information provided in this article should help you to better integrate wellness incentives into your current wellness programming efforts—thus improving employee health and well-being as well as containing rapidly-escalating healthcare costs.

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The Power Of Utilizing Incentive Campaigns: Integrating Health And Wellness Into Your Core Business Strategy...Special WELCOA Report Now Available At No Charge.

Aaron Hardy is one of the nation’s best wellness practitioners. Over the course of the last ten years, Aaron has developed and implemented nationally-recognized and award-winning workplace wellness programs. After breaking out on his own, he developed a best-in-class wellness incentive program -- Integrated Health and Wellness -- which is being utilized by companies all across the U.S.

In this interview, Aaron sits down with WELCOA President, Dr. David Hunnicutt to discuss incentives and successfully delivering incentive-based wellness campaigns.

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Stressed Less — Leading Expert Shares Important Insight On Minimizing Personal Stress...Report Available At No Charge.

Stress is a big issue in the U.S. In fact, it’s everywhere. It dogs us at work. It plagues us at home. It travels with us on the road. It shares our relationships. Ironically, it even sleeps with us.

This is a report that you don't want to miss!

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The Essential Elements Of A Wellness Operating Plan.

To successfully deliver a results-oriented wellness program, you’ll need to have a plan. Unfortunately, many HR Exec's and Health Promotion Practitioners are unfamiliar with the essential elements that make up a good plan. In this article, WELCOA President, Dr. David Hunnicutt, shares the seven critical elements that are vital in ensuring the success of your wellness initiative.

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Collecting Data To Drive Health Efforts...Special WELCOA Report Now Available At No Charge.

In this WELCOA Special Report, we'll zoom in on the concept of collecting data to drive your company's health efforts. Specifically, we'll present 10 reasons why data collection is an essential step in building a results-oriented wellness program. In addition, we'll also outline three important sources of data that must be gathered in order to be successful. Finally, we'll present several tools that will help you in your data collection efforts.

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WELCOA Announces National Panel of Advisors for 2008-2009...Free Report Available At No Charge.

We are pleased to announce that 70 business and health leaders throughout the United States have accepted an invitation to serve on WELCOA's National Panel of Advisors. This group of hand-selected individuals represents a very important and powerful group with respect to advancing the worksite wellness national agenda.

In the coming months, this group will tackle a variety of important issues including identifying emerging trends, quantifying present best practices, and developing useful information including what wellness salaries are and should be.

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Creating Cohesive Wellness Teams...Special WELCOA Report Now Available At No Charge.

When it comes to building results-oriented wellness programs, teams are a big part of the equation. In fact, teams comprise the second critical benchmark of success in the Well Workplace process. In this Special Report, many of the issues and challenges associated with developing cohesive wellness teams are addressed.

If you are involved in leading or participating on a wellness team, you won't want to miss this publication.

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Financial Wellness Goes Mainstream…New WELCOA Report Available at No Charge.

A perfect storm is brewing. Personal savings rates are declining, people are relying more on credit, social security is questionable, and employers are shifting to defined contribution plans. Given these factors, financial wellness is emerging as a major priority in U.S. business. In this report, WELCOA presents important information that will help worksites to meet the looming financial crisis for American workers.

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The Fundamentals of Evaluation: Why, What, How, & When You Should Evaluate Your Wellness Program—New Report Available From WELCOA at No Charge.

Evaluation is one of those topics that strike fear into the hearts of worksite wellness practitioners. And over the years, we've come across dozens and dozens of the best excuses as to why practitioners don't evaluate their worksite wellness initiatives.

Here's our Top 10 list of the major reasons why people don't evaluate their worksite wellness programs.

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Steps Well Taken: Introducing A New Health Management Tool That Can Significantly Improve Employee Health...Special Report Now Available.

In this Special Report, we explore a new online tool called WellSteps. Developed by nationally recognized experts, Dr. Steve Aldana and Dr. Troy Adams, WellSteps is a robust health management tool that can greatly assist worksite wellness practitioners in their quest to improve employee health.

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Choosing Appropriate Interventions...Special WELCOA Report Now Available At No Charge.

Choosing appropriate interventions is a critical step in developing and delivering a results-oriented worksite wellness program. Indeed, it is the fifth benchmark in the Well Workplace model—and it’s where the rubber meets the road. In this special report, we will discuss the important issues that must be addressed in order to effectively offer the appropriate interventions for your employees.

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Washoe County School District Award Winning Wellness Program's Case Study Now Available.

By encouraging personal responsibility for health and offering significant incentives for healthy living, the Washoe County School District offers valuable lessons on creating a wellness program aligned with national priorities and in tune with employee needs.

This is a must-read for anyone who is responsible for providing wellness programs in a school based setting.

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Telephonic Fitness Interventions Are A Sound Investment...Special Report Now Available At No Charge.

In this article, Melissa Welker demonstrates that telephonic interventions are a wise investment for getting your employees more physically active. This article is an important one for wellness practitioners — and it's essential if you don't have an onsite employee fitness center.

Also, as an additional reinforcement regarding the efficacy of telephonic interventions you may be interested to know that Stanford Researchers found that computer-generated phone calls were an effective, low-cost way to encourage sedentary adults to exercise.

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A New Tool To Help You Calculate Your Wellness ROI Is Now Available at No Charge.

For years, calculating the return-on-investment of your wellness program has been difficult — if not impossible. Those days are officially over. Dr's Steve Aldana and Troy Adams have built and released a new tool that will be of great value to wellness practitioners throughout the country — and best of all, it's free.

This new ROI tool is a must-see for anyone who is serious about calculating return-on-investment.

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National Best Practice Report of Coronary Health Improvement Project Now Available At No Charge...Important Implications For Worksites And Communities.

For 20 years, the Coronary Health Improvement Project (CHIP) has been helping people markedly reduce coronary risk factor levels by promoting healthier food choices and appropriate lifestyle changes. In this special report, we'll examine this powerful program and share individual and community success stories from all across the United States. With more than 40,000 graduates worldwide, CHIP is an initiative that can help you make a profound impact on the health and well-being of your employees, your organization, and your community.

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When It Comes From You...The Power Of CEO Support In Advancing A Small Business Wellness Initiative — Report Now Available At No Charge.

Perhaps the single most important element in building and sustaining a wellness program in a small business setting is having CEO buy-in. Indeed, time and time again, it has been our experience that the organizations that successfully garner senior-level support are the ones that have healthier employees and better working environments.

But the question for most wellness advocates in a small business setting is, “How can I get my CEO to get behind this concept?” Or, if they are already bought in, “How can I get them to be the organization’s best advocate for personal health and well-being.”

These are great questions and they deserve a closer look...

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Kids, Eating, Weight & Health...WELCOA Special Report Now Available At No Charge.

It would be difficult to overstate the urgency that the U.S. Government and health officials have placed on the dangers posed by obesity. In this article, Dr. Jon Robison critically examines the premises on which the childhood obesity crisis is built and documents the lack of efficacy associated with the current approaches.

To assist practitioners, he presents alternative approaches for parents, teachers, and communities that will help children without harming them.

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The Art Of Implementing A Great Worksite Wellness Program In A Small Business Setting...WELCOA Report Now Available At No Charge.

In this Special Report, written by WELCOA President Dr. David Hunnicutt, we'll examine the importance of wellness programs to small businesses and present the ten most important things that a small company can do to enhance the health and well-being of its employees.

If you work with small businesses, you won't want to miss the article.

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Nation's Expert Speaks Out On Evaluating Wellness Programs...Exclusive Interview Now Available At No Charge.

In this exclusive WELCOA interview, Dr. Steve Aldana, one of the nation's leading experts on workplace wellness evaluation recently sat down with WELCOA President Dr. David Hunnicutt to talk about the art and science of measuring the impact and outcomes of worksite health promotion initiatives.

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Getting The Most Out Of Your Evaluation Results—New Report Available From WELCOA at No Charge.

When it comes to evaluation, "stickiness" is everything. In a nutshell, stickiness is the notion of getting your information noticed—especially in a world where there’s already way too much information floating around as it is. In this article, WELCOA President, Dr. David Hunnicutt, provides some useful tips to help you get the most out of your evaluation results.

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Top 10 Reasons Why People Don't Evaluate Their Workplace Wellness Programs...New Report Available From WELCOA At No Charge.

Evaluation is one of those topics that strike fear into the hearts of worksite wellness practitioners. And over the years, we’ve come across dozens and dozens of the best excuses as to why practitioners don’t evaluate their worksite wellness initiatives.

In this Special Report, WELCOA President, Dr. David Hunnicutt, identifies the top 10 list of the major reasons why people don’t evaluate their worksite wellness programs.

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Policies, Practices, and Promotions...New Report Available From WELCOA At No Charge.

In order to build a results-oriented wellness initiative that will last over time, it's essential to develop specific strategies for systematically improving the physical working environment of your employees.

In this report, WELCOA's President, Dr. David Hunnicutt, identifies nine specific policies, practices, and promotions that should be in place in order to create an environment that promotes health and well being.

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The Power of Prevention

The CDC reports that chronic diseases caused from lifestyle will exact a devastating toll on the American population in the coming years. However, according to the CDC, “although chronic diseases are among the most common and costly of health problems, they are also among the most preventable.”

Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.

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Health At Every Size...Free Report Now Available At No Charge.

In the last few years, it seems that the hysteria over the "obesity epidemic" has reached its own "epidemic" proportions. The Surgeon General labeled obesity "the terror within," a terror more dangerous than "weapons of mass destruction," and called for no less than a "cultural transformation" to combat and win the "war" against it. In this issue of Absolute Advantage, Dr. Jon Robison and colleagues present a radically different approach to weight loss and dieting. Known as Health At Every Size, this concept is rapidly gaining attention throughout the health and behavior modification communities.

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What's a Healthy Employee Worth...Expert Reveals Important Insights.

Lost productivity is enormously expensive—and business leaders know it. But actually calculating its cost can be an exercise in frustration. How is this hidden heavy affecting your organization, and what are you doing about it?

In this article, Dr. Wendy Lynch, one of the most noted productivity experts in the country, provides important insights on this pressing issue.

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Health and Productivity Connection Questionnaire Now Available.

If you’re looking for a simple, useful health and productivity survey, you’ll want to check out this tool. Developed by Molly McCauley, this 10 item survey will help you assess how people feel about health and productivity within your organization.

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Big Steps for Small Business — 10 Health Promotion Programming Ideas Every Small Business Should Consider.

It’s no secret that health promotion programming has been embraced by the business community in a big way. However, even though companies are participating in worksite wellness now more than ever before, many small businesses are still on the outside looking in. In fact, very little has been written specifically for small businesses to help them in their quest to create healthier employees and healthier companies.

In this article, we’ll present 10 programming ideas that can make a big difference in any small company.

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Addressing Tobacco Use at the Workplace...Report Now Available.

Tobacco use remains the leading cause of death in the United States. Indeed, some 450,000 people will die this year due to tobacco-related illnesses. What’s more, 50,000 people die each year from secondhand smoke-related diseases. If left unchecked, by the year 2020, tobacco is projected to kill about 10 million people a year worldwide. This issue of Absolute Advantage is dedicated to addressing tobacco use at the workplace.

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The Power Of Planning...A Good Plan Today Is Better Than A Perfect Plan Tomorrow...Special Report Now Available.

One of the biggest mistakes that we run across in helping companies to build results-oriented wellness programs is that people don’t spend enough time planning. It’s easy to see how this happens.

This Special Report is a must-read for all health and wellness professionals.

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Carefully Crafting Your Organization’s Wellness Operating Plan—Report Now Available At No Charge.

Your operating plan is the critical link in the chain if you are looking to develop a result’s-oriented wellness initiative for your organization. In this article, we’ll set forth the seven essential elements of a good operating plan and provide you with a whole host of additional insights.

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Embracing Workplace Wellness: Report Now Available At No Charge

Workplace wellness may be one of the most savvy business investments an employer can make. Just ask a company like Starbucks who spends more on health insurance than they do on coffee. Or GM who spends more on health benefits for employees and retirees than they do on steel. In this article, Jeff Rubleski discusses the economic impact of wellness programs and what you can do to increase participation rates and improve health outcomes within your organization.

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A WELCOA Classic On Health Coaching: Report Now Available At No Charge

When health, wellness, and human development are at stake, we clearly want every dime to have the value of a dollar. It’s time we added one more resource to our wellness environments—coaching. Learn what High Quality Coaching is all about and learn how you can implement it in your organization to achieve serious results.

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Lifestyle: The Culprit & The Cure…Special Report Now Available At No Charge.

This Special Report is dedicated to addressing a new "best-in-class" resource...The Culprit And The Cure. Written by Dr. Steven Aldana, this book is a resource for worksites of any size and industry. By targeting lifestyle, The Culprit And The Cure provides a step-by-step blueprint to better health. By incorporating this information into worksite wellness programs, there is significant potential to further capitalize on the wellness movement.

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WELCOA Reveals the 10 Secrets of Successful Wellness Teams. Report Now Available At No Charge

When it comes to building results-oriented wellness programs, teams are an integral part of the equation. But creating and sustaining a dynamic and effective wellness team is not an easy task. In this special report, we’ll share the 10 secrets of successful worksite wellness teams and provide strategies to help you build a best-in-class team.

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WELCOA Releases Seven Benchmarks Of Worksite Wellness Success...Free Report Now Available.

In this Special Report, we've presented the cornerstone of the WELCOA movement—the seven benchmarks of results-oriented workplace wellness programs. Over the course of the last ten years, WELCOA has further developed and refined this dynamic process for helping organizations build "best-in-class" workplace wellness programs. This report will provide you with a step-by-step blueprint for getting the job done.

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Streamlining Your Wellness Data Collection Efforts…New WELCOA Report Now Available At No Charge.

In building a results-oriented wellness program, it is essential to collect data. But what data should you collect? How do you drive up participation rates? How much should the entire process cost? In this WELCOA report, we’ll discuss these items and more.

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StairWell To Health…How The CDC Rejuvenated Stairwells To Increase Physical Activity. Report Now Available At No Charge.

Taking the stairs is one way to be more physically active. Learn how the CDC developed an extremely innovative program to increase stairwell usage. You won’t want to miss this article.

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Developing A Data Dashboard For Your Wellness Program...WELCOA Report Now Available At No Charge.

Data dashboards have been used in the business world for decades. However, the concept is still relatively new in the arena of worksite wellness. If you’re unfamiliar with this concept, it should be reassuring to know that it is pretty straightforward. But whether you are a large or small company, your wellness program should have a data dashboard.

To learn more about developing a data dashboard for your wellness initiative, simply visit the link below.

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Checklist for Selecting Health Promotion Vendors.

This useful and interactive Checklist for Selecting Health Promotion Vendors is a great tool for keeping you in the driver’s seat when it comes to vendor relationships.

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The Path To Productivity: A Measurable Connection Between Health and Work Performance.

The Academy for Health and Productivity Measurement, a pioneer in the area of organizational health and productivity measurement, believes very strongly in the power of health and productivity management as a means to business success in the 21st Century. In this issue of Absolute Advantage, the experts at the AHPM have constructed a compelling case for the connection between health and work performance.

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Planning Wellness: Getting Off To A Good Start — Part 1

This Special Report is intended to offer the reader a comprehensive resource that includes a very large number of practical insights related to wellness planning. By reading this report, you will greatly improve your planning and implementation of a cost-effective employee wellness program for your employees and their family members.

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Planning Wellness: Getting Off To A Good Start — Part 2

In this Special Report, longtime contributor Larry Chapman, shares more information on the art and science of planning wellness programs. In this second part of a two-part series, Larry provides important information on evaluating your wellness plan, and how to overcome many of the tough problems associated with this exercise.

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CDC Implements Innovative StairWell Project: Best Practice Report Now Available.

Stairwell to Health is a great story about how environmental modifications can lead to increased physical activity. The project was done by the CDC and was extremely creative in its design and delivery. In the report, the CDC provides a step-by-step account of this project. As a result, you’ll not only see what happened with the CDC, but you’ll have a blueprint to help you get started as well.

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How to Build Your Wellness Budget

For years there was talk about doing health promotion programs at no cost to the company. Ask yourself if there are other departments in the company that operate on no budget. The answer is no. At the very least, budgets in some departments include staff, travel, and some discretionary money. So why don't wellness programs have bigger budgets? Great Question!

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Rewards For Healthy Lifestyles

Employers can reinforce good employee health by sponsoring healthy lifestyle contests and campaigns. These encourage such behavior as smoking cessation, healthy eating, and weight loss — with the support and discipline of an organized event.

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The Stop & Go Fast Food Nutrition Guide

If you are interested in helping your employees to navigate through the maze of fast food choices, there is a new nutrition guide now available. This hand-held guide has analyzed menu choices from all of the major fast food restaurants and has identified and coded the items from healthiest to worst. This nutrition guide will help your employees control their body weight, improve their health, and add years to their lifespan.

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Employers’ Smoking Cessation Guide: Practical Approaches to a Costly Workplace Problem.

PACT’s great publication, Employers’ Smoking Cessation Guide: Practical Approaches to a Costly Workplace Problem, is a tool to help employers, large and small, enact affordable, effective smoking cessation programs in their companies. This manual makes the “business case” for employer involvement in smoking cessation, highlighting the enormous direct and indirect costs—both in health care and lost productivity—of smoking.

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New Report Released On Strategies To Increase Physical Activity In The Workplace.

In the most recent issue of Absolute Advantage, WELCOA zeroed in on the most effective ways to increase physical activity in the workplace. Setting forth 50 practical ideas, this report will provide a lot of insight in how to increase physical activity in the workplace.

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Washoe County School District Returns $15.10 For Every Dollar Spent On Their Wellness Program.

The innovative wellness program of the Washoe County School District in Reno, NV is at the top of its class. The District's 3,976 teachers, 3,030 staff members, and 312 administrators not only provide excellent education for 62,000 students, they also participate in what has become an extremely successful wellness incentive program.

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Experts Reveal Why And How People Change Health Behaviors—Summary Now Available.

Dr. Joe Leutzinger and John Harris, two of the nation’s leading experts on worksite wellness have published a new book entitled, Why and How People Change Health Behaviors.

This book is for all individuals interested in making or sustaining lifestyle change. Why and How People Change Health Behaviors is a collection of personal stories that provides insight into the lives of others who have persevered in their journey toward successful behavior change. Through the stories readers can identify with others who have faced similar challenges and gain inspiration to be successful with their behavior change efforts.

This book is a must read for anyone who is serious about changing behaviors in an organizational setting.

Why and How People Change Health Behaviors should also be considered for your employee population.

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The Well Workplace Workbook

This workbook is designed to assist companies with developing results-oriented health promotion programs. Specifically you’ll find key program components, “real life” examples of successful initiatives, and much more.

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Six Ways To Take Your Wellness Program To...The Next Level

In the next ten years, the working population will be getting older...rapidly. In fact, throughout the rest of the decade, one baby boomer will turn 50 every eight seconds. And, because of this phenomenon, healthcare costs will continue to rise. Unfortunately, American business will pick up the lion's share of these costs. The following six ideas will help you take your wellness program to the next level.

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