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Status of Education in Rural America
NCES 2007-040
June 2007

Figure 2.7

Percentage of persons ages 18–24 enrolled in colleges and universities, by sex and locale: 2004

Percentage of persons ages 18–24 enrolled in colleges and universities, by sex and locale: 2004

NOTE: These data were collected by the American Community Survey (ACS), which asked survey respondents to identify persons who had been living in the household for the past 2 months. ACS did not begin to collect data for group quarters (e.g., students living in dorms on campus) until 2006. Thus, 2004 data for each of the rural, city, suburban, and town locales include independent students living in the locale and dependent students living at home in the locale, but not dependent students in campus dorms in the locale, nor dependent students from the locale who were in campus dorms.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2004, previously unpublished data.