Federal Citizen Information Center's Main Page

 Calendar -- A listing of consumer related conferences, seminars and meetings.
 Government update -- Consumer Initiatives that are currently under development in the
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News and Notes -- The latest stories and news items that impact the American consumer
Gov Gab:  Your U.S. Government Blog -- Check out our blog, and discover how our five bloggers use government resources to make their lives better, easier, and more fun.
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News and Notes
FCIC draws on a variety of sources to bring you useful consumer news, tips and advice.

Cars - Computers - Education - Employment - Family - Federal Programs - Food
Health - Housing - Money - Small Business - Travel - And more...

Save a Buck: Fix It for Free

Have an ailing iPod, a temperamental TV or a persnickety phone? Before replacing it or paying for a professional repair, check out FixYa, where volunteer techies provide free fix-it advice for common breakdowns of gadgets, electronics and other products. You can post a message or have an online chat and even do pre- purchase due diligence to learn about problems that others have had with an item you may be considering. FixYa is one of several how-to websites that can save you money, boost your knowledge and occasionally even provide some cheap entertainment. Follow the link for others worth checking out. Read more...

Important Notices - Site Map
This service is provided by the Federal Citizen Information Center of the U.S. General Services Administration. E-mail us your comments or questions.   gsa logo