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Issue 2008-3

Welcome to the May/June 2008 edition of the Federal Citizen Information Center's (FCIC) FEDINFO E-letter! These subscription e-letters from Pueblo are sent six times a year with helpful updates, practical information, and special offers to make your life a little easier. You can always find the latest information on our family of websites:,,,, and

This issue includes:


A woman is reading a record.Spring Cleaning Your Home Records

With tax season over, did you cram yet another thick folder into an already crowded file drawer? Would you like to weed that pile down to just what you must keep, but not sure what’s safe to toss?

And what about those other important documents, like birth certificates, mortgage papers, savings bonds, and wills? Do you know which to keep in a waterproof, fireproof safe or safe deposit box? Read this guide to Keeping Family / Household Records for help safeguarding vital records, while culling discardables from the stack. While you’re at it, consider creating a records “to go” kit that you can grab in case you need to leave home quickly. Preparing Your Household Records tells you what financial records to keep with your other emergency supplies.


Autism Spectrum Disorders Affect 1 in 150 KidsAutism girl

The autism “spectrum” includes a range of disorders marked by impaired communication and social skills and repetitive behaviors.

Doctors and therapists agree that early diagnosis and treatment are vital. If you suspect something “isn’t right” with your baby or toddler, or know a child struggling with social skills or obsessive-compulsive afflictions, read this Overview of Autism Spectrum Disorders. It describes the characteristics of the five spectrum disorders, lists the “red flags” that may signal autism in a child, and offers resources for diagnosis and treatment.

For parents raising an autistic child, special planning is a must. The online guide, Planning for Your Child or Other Dependent with Special Needs, can help ensure your child’s financial, educational and medical future.


Earth Day’s over, but…EnergyGuide Label

So you were too busy at home to participate in a beach cleanup or tree planting for Earth Day? No problem. There are lots of things you can do now that will benefit your household as well as the environment.

If you’re planning to spend your federal income tax rebate on a new flat screen TV, or if you’re just cleaning out the attic, check out FCIC’s blogger Jake’s suggestions for disposing of old TVs, computers and other electronics.

If you’re in the market for a new air conditioner, dishwasher or other large appliance, don’t forget to compare EnergyGuide labels.

Kids are great reasons to make earth-friendly choices, and the Energy Star Kids page is a great place to get them thinking. The site uses games to give the facts about energy and the environment, and shows kids how they can make big changes right in their homes. blogger Joanne was no doubt thinking about her kids when she wrote her recent blog entitled Earth Day…Is Every Day. And she inspired fellow blogger Colleen to follow up with an entry on a DOE website for energy-saving household tips.


Auto auctionSo you’re in the market for a car

If you’ve heard about those great government auto auctions, but you’ve never known where to find one, wonder no more. The U.S. General Services Administration, the federal government’s premier acquisition agency, has put it all online for you. You can search for vehicle auctions by state, date, or car make and model. Many of the vehicles are posted online before the auction and can be bid for online. The site even gives tips on how to prepare for an auction. You can also check out this guide to government auto auctions and other car-buying resources on the FCIC web site.

And what’s harder to find than a good deal on a car? A good mechanic to maintain your vehicle. blogger Nicole writes about her frustrations with car repairs and how to find a good mechanic in a recent entry.


Summer hat and sunglassesSummertime Dreamin’?

Dreaming about backyard sunbathing? Get the facts on West Nile Virus and sunscreens and tanning, two factors to take into consideration before you begin a sun-worshipping routine.

And if the warm weather brings out the weekend athlete in you, be prepared with this guide on sports injuries and how to prevent them.


2008 Consumer Action HandbookGet Your 2008 Consumer Action Handbook

If you haven’t ordered your copy of the 2008 Consumer Action Handbook, now’s the time! This everyday guide to being a smart shopper is chocked full of helpful tips about buying a car or home, preventing identity theft, understanding credit, filing a consumer complaint, and much more. In the 2008 edition, you'll find updated information about filing for bankruptcy, finding a lawyer, and planning a funeral, along with many other useful topics.

The handbook and web site are also available in Spanish.



2008 Summer Consumer Information CatalogSummer 2008 Consumer Information Catalog

The Summer 2008 Consumer Information Catalog hits the streets May 19.
Just visit the FCIC web site to order a copy of the summer Catalog, view it online, and order or read the full text of all the publications listed inside.






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