PRESS RELEASE: Monday, March 9th, 2009

CONTACTS: ONDCP Public Affairs (202) 395-6649
                   SAMHSA Press Office (240) 276-2130

$1.2 Million In Mentoring Grants Available To 16 American Communities

(Washington, D.C.)—Today, the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), in partnership with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), announced the availability of up to $1.2 million for new Drug-Free Communities Support Mentoring Program (DFC Mentoring) grants. An estimated 16 new Mentoring grants will be awarded (approximating $75,000 per grant for up to two years) to drug and alcohol prevention community coalitions representing a cross-section of rural, urban, suburban, and tribal communities. The actual award amount may vary, depending upon the availability of funds and the progress achieved by the awardees.

The purpose of the DFC Mentoring Program is to provide grant funds to effective current DFC grantees (mentors) to facilitate the development and/or expansion of new community drug prevention coalitions (mentees) which seek to prevent substance abuse among youth. By building the capacity of drug free community groups to assess the unique challenges facing their communities and assisting in the organization of a coalition-based response to those challenges, the mentoring system better prepares mentee groups to implement effective prevention strategies.

Ed Jurith, Acting Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, stated, “These mentoring grants support President Obama's goal of aiding community development and organizing efforts across the Nation. This program will help keep young people safe and healthy by giving local leaders the resources they need to strengthen their communities and to keep children drug-free.”

“The Mentoring Grants build on the investments we have made by sharing the invaluable experiences of Drug Free Community Grantees,” said SAMHSA Acting Administrator Eric Broderick, D.D.S., M.P.H .

To be eligible for a DFC Mentoring grant, interested drug prevention community coalitions must have been in existence for five years; be a current DFC grantee or grantee applicant; have achieved measurable results in youth drug and alcohol prevention; have dedicated staff, volunteers, or members to assist the mentee coalitions; and must demonstrate consensus and community support from local key sectors and stakeholders, including youth, parents, businesses, media, law enforcement, government, and religious and civic organizations, among others.

To review the grant application or its requirements, or to learn more about the Drug Free Communities Support Program, please visit, DFC Mentoring grants are awarded through a competitive peer review process.

The deadline to submit a DFC Mentoring grant application is Friday, April 24th, 2009.

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