fr88 protats ryatsatlr. -2- Althwgh tke base map?mltfaa ef lW4A cedsrr aad may proprrtirrs of the geuetfa rro$s uers crlarillrsd wit& the ure af ryath+tlrr pelymucbetfdes, tke requsnst of the bases ritbia docB aodea remained nrctaown. i&we remntly, a #mIsr*l wethod of great sfsplletty uaa fsuad by #rrrabq o d w+-worimrt fer detsrmMug the base aeqnesaccb ef cadout. With tbfr it was dsilrraartratwi directly that strma tri- but aQt dltwl8otirkS aerw 11s tmplat#S i@ thiS SySttra, a trdplat ati exists. The oeqwwm of virtually all cedons have am Mm Jatartniaed by br, Mrsabergvr laboratory. Tt has badn SAara that ma potterns of rymmyrtl C&dO#S diffur aprkadly la betb t late estirity oab sjmuifieity. `Eke biologhl @t911s6- queueot of these and stlrcrr ffndiqe remaria tu be assessed. It wotrld sum hgical, hmrer, that mm sgmmym sodoar must play sped81 roles ia protein ryatbsrir, swb II sgecffylag t&e beqiaWg or md of the quadtie massage; otkmrs umy Lrs meerrswy forr the tyatksis of osrtailt prsteiar er my sslsetirely infltmcc! t&w rate ef protein syatlwir, Studier am aaiu fr pragrm~ ia Dr. NirecbtrBsrg'r labaratury to define perribh toarequeaces af oefectira AodiPicatioR of ~~nsntr reqrrlred for mdeR reclkgeitierb Particular attmtiea is baiq foeused upsr mwhaakmr ubicb may ralectltely eontral the ?8t6 of protafn syPth!ksit dfirriag 9ir81 iafectioul and sabryeaie differeatiation. Dr. Nirunbt+rg has deciphered tbe genetic wde. His work ha8 given US understaftding of RIUC~ of the StJrsterieus way information is eodaQ into the nuoleio aoidr and used to direct the facorpwatien a2 rpeeific a&no acids into pratafail. It represents a atojor contribution toward understanding en a wolaaular basis hopr the chmiaalr of the call suclaus carry the hereditary massage from eaa ganaratfon to the next.