January E6, 1962 Dr. Kdyuahi Kurahaahi Znrtitute for Protein Reoearch Osaka University 36 Joancho Kita-Ku Odca, Japan Dear Kiyoshi: Thank you very much for your letter. I was wouderful to hear from you. Enclosed are reprints and two preprints of our recent wrk; one of which is in preea Fn Proceedings of the Kational Academy of Qafencea), the other in Btocheatical aad Biophysical Research Ccmnunications. I am in the midst of writing a few more papers and I will send mazumcripts when they are finished. The work is pretty exciting at this rtage. Currently we are trying to determine characteriatice of RNA coding units, auoh a8 the coding ratio, degeneracy, specificity of codiug uuits, the effect of secondary structure upon the activity of coding units, etc. However, there ia 80 much to do that the work aieems to crawl along; at a mail's pace. Leon Heppel and MMiue have been doing some work with us and this has been a great help. One other thing that we are trying to do is to obtain ata estimate of the universality of the code. It will be months though before we have really clean data concerning th_ir question. Gordon flew back from Paris last week for a few days and it wae a lot of funtto see and talk to hfm. Both he and Millicent are enjoying Paris very much and he is very excited about the work that he is doing there. It was wonderful hear- ing about the gorsip from Paris. Actually, Bruce and Giovauna came back fram Paris several weeks ago and we heard quite a bit about current research goin$ on at Pasteur from them. They both had a good time in Gembridge and in Paris. Dr. Kiyoshi Kurahaohi Page 2 - Mike Yantlolineky Is engag;ed to a Finnish girl - an artist whom he met this past summr when he was vacatlonfng in Europe. They expect to be married this aumner. Let me know how things are going and give my best regards to your mother. Si;ncerely yours, Harshall W. Niranbarg NWNtlh