Oil Shale and Tar Sands

The United States holds the world’s largest known concentration of oil shale. Nearly five times the proven oil reserves of Saudi Arabia underlies a surface area of 16,000 square miles. The enormous potential of this domestic resource is a key to the Nation’s energy security and economic strength, and to the quality of life Americans enjoy today and hope to ensure for future generations.

More than 70 percent of American oil shale — including the thickest and richest deposits — lies on federal land, primarily in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming. These federal lands contain an estimated 1.23 trillion barrels of oil — more than 50 times the nation's proven conventional oil reserves.

More than 50 tar sands deposits are found in eastern Utah, containing an estimated 12 to 19 billion barrels of oil. As oil prices rise, there is new interest in developing both of these domestic resources.

The BLM is working to ensure that development of federal oil shale and tar sands resources will be economically sustainable and environmentally responsible.


In the Energy Policy Act of 2005, Congress directs the BLM to manage oil shale development on public lands on three tracks:

The BLM has taken public comment on the Draft PEIS allocating certain lands for future oil shale and tar sands leasing.  The comment period closed on March 20, 2008.

Click on the map for a detailed view
of oil shale and tar sands resources. (1 MB PDF)



News Release: BLM Announces Second Round of Oil Shale R, D, and D Leases

News Release: BLM Finalizes Rules that Could Add Billions of Barrels of Oil to U.S. Supply (11/17/2008)

Record of Decision on Oil Shale Resources Resource Management Plan Amendments (11/17/2008)

BLM Energy Policy Act Implementation

Oil Shale/Tar Sands PEIS Project Website

BLM-Colorado Oil Shale RD&D

BLM-Utah Oil Shale RD&D Finding of No Significant Impact/Decision Record

BLM-Utah Oil Shale RD&D Final Environmental Assessment

BLM Planning, Overview

U.S. Dept. of Energy Oil Shale Activities

The Framework for Responsible Development

Graphic hotspots link to timelines, statutory language, Notices,
policy guidance, and other background information.

Chronology of Commercial Leasing Regulations Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (Federal Register) Project website Chronology of Programmatic EIS Chronology of the RD&D Program Federal Register Notice seeking RD&D proposals Complete plaintext version of Act Text of FLPMA Council on Environmental Quality NEPANet Mineral Leasing Act and Amendments



The BLM leases minerals on public lands under authority of the Mineral Leasing Act (MLA) and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA).

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) establishes the role of public involvement in planning the development and conservation of resources located on Federal lands.

Section 369 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct) provides the timetable for developing commercial leasing regulations and requires additional consultation with States, local communities, Tribes and other stakeholders before commercial leasing begins.