
About Style Sheets

Information on steps to disable style sheets attached to any Web document and replace them with your choice of font face, size and color.

Department of Education Office of Vocational & Adult Education (OVAE)

Provides information, research and resources to help prepare young people and adults for postsecondary education, successful careers and productive lives.

Library & Information Services for Individuals with Disabilities

List of selective sources of information on library services for adults and children with disabilities.

Library Resources for People Who Are Blind or Have Physical Disabilities

A free national library service providing recorded and braille materials to people who are blind or have physical disabilities.

Library of Congress & Persons with Disabilities

Information regarding efforts by the Library of Congress to make their resources accessible for people with disabilities.

Library of Congress: User Interface for Digital Talking Books

List of resources that contain guidelines for an accessible user interface for digital talking books.

Literacy Information aNd Communication System (LINCS)

Information and links to funding opportunities and resources for adult education and family literacy.

Magazines in Special Media

Listing of periodicals available to people who are blind or have physical disabilities in the following formats: braille, cassette, computer disk, electronic braille, electronic text, large print and Moon type.

National Forum on Information Literacy

An organization devoted toward the concept of citizens ability to retrieve, understand and analyze information.

National Institute for Literacy (NIFL)

Home page of NIFL, an independent federal organization leading the national effort toward a fully literate America in the 21st century.

State Resources for Literacy & Learning Disabilities

Find out where to get useful information about literacy and learning disabilities in your state. Select your state from the drop-down (combo) box for contact information.

  • The White House
  • The U.S. government's official web portal.

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