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FY 2003 Performance and Accountability Report

Cover of FY 2003 Performance and Accountability Report - Click to download report
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Performance and Accountability Report

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This report, prepared in accordance with the Reports Consolidation Act of 2000, describes USAID results in economic growth, agricultural development, education, environmental protection, health, population, democracy and governance, and humanitarian assistance. These results are linked to the six strategic goals and one management goal laid out in the Agency’s 2000 Strategic Plan and the targets set in the Agency’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2003 Annual Performance Plan. Because USAID and the Department of State are preparing to implement a new joint strategy for FYs 2004–2009, this is the final Performance and Accountability Report that will use USAID’s 2000 Strategic Plan.

The FY 2003 Performance and Accountability Report (PAR) is divided into three major sections:

  • Management's Discussion and Analysis introduces USAID and highlights FY 2003 as a "Year of Challenge and Innovation." Management's Discussion and Analysis features (1) USAID's performance in Iraq and Afghanistan, (2) USAID's work against the spread of HIV/AIDS, (3) the Global Development Alliance (GDA), and (4) USAID management of the Online Presidential Initiatives Network (OPIN). It also describes USAID highlights and results toward the Agency's six program goals and one management goal in FY 2003, as well as a summary of Agency-wide performance in FY 2002.
  • The Program Performance section describes results achieved and setbacks encountered in FY 2002 for the six USAID program goals and the GDA. This section provides comparative, multiyear data and illustrative examples of FY 2002 performance.
  • The Financial Performance section covers FY 2003 and includes a letter from the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), USAID's financial statements and related auditor's reports, the Inspector General's summary of serious management challenges, and other required financial reports.

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