Promoting opportunity, development and volunteerism in the americas


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the news
Costa Rica Earthquake Relief Fund
On January 8th, 2009, a 6.2 magnitude earthquake hit Costa Rica near the capital of San Jose. To date, 19 deaths and extensive damage to many communities has been reported. 
Partners will be collecting donations to provide assistance to victims.  This money will be passed to the Oregon-Costa Rica Partnership for relief efforts, including the purchase of non-perishable goods and other necessary items. 
Click on the following link  to be taken to our Donation site and send your donation to the "Costa Rica Earthquake Relief Fund". 
To read more click here
Come Learn and Serve in Nicaragua!
I've avoided "tours" most of my life but this was an exception. This trip, however, was above my expectations, way above. Yes, the country of Nicaragua is totally amazing but it was the people that really touched me. - Camille, past participant

Have you ever wondered what a Learning Center is, how it functions, who uses it, and how it improves lives? Have you ever considered starting your own international volunteer service program?  Come to Nicaragua! 

Farmer to Farmer Program 
Partners' new USAID-funded John Ogonowski Farmer to Farmer Program will run from 2008-2013 in Haiti, Guyana, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic, with limited activities elsewhere.  Farmer to Farmer will place 580 US technical volunteer experts on specific assignments ranging from horticulture production to dairy processing to marketing and export linkages. The program will provide assistance to nearly 800 agriculture groups and host organizations, targeting 22,000 direct beneficiaries and countless indirect beneficiaries.

Youth Ambassadors 2009!
Partners is proud to announce that it was awarded the 2009 Youth Ambassadors program grant through the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Western Hemispheric Affairs. The grant will allow Partners to provide a life changing opportunity to more outstanding youth from the following ten countries: Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Chile, and Peru.  Find out more about our youth programs and show your support by signing on to the Youth Declaration, created by program alumni.

Feeding Families in Haiti
The Feeding Families Project is a sustainable farm project to help 500 families address hunger through vegetable gardens, fruit tree plantings, and the breeding of goats, rabbits and chickens. Partners has teamed up with Global Giving to raise funds, which will provide seeds, animals, and supplies, as well as technical training.  Donate today!

Donate to Symphony for Life - Ecuador!
The social program “Symphony for Life” allows hundreds of boys and girls from marginalized communities to get opportunities they never imagined through music.  We invite you to support us in changing lives through a unique donation opportunity where every donated note brings us closer to completing our symphony and reaching our goal of helping the youth of Ecuador. Click to Learn More!

 Haiti Global Giving Project - Donate today!

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 View our latest newsletter (Jul - Sept 2008) 
 2007 Annual Report (PDF, 2.1 mb)

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Partners of the Americas
Promoting Leadership, Understanding and Opportunity in the Americas
1424 K Street, NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20005 | Tel: 202.628.3300 | Fax: 202.628.3306 | Email: info@partners.net
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