P.O. BOX 680
Huntington Beach, CA  92648
TEL/FAX: (714) 960-0586
EMAIL: jeff@spapcompanyllc.com

SPAP COMPANY LLC was formed as an international manufacturer's representative agency and international informational specialist to help USA companies sell their products into overseas markets. While objective observers, both here and abroad, know that USA goods are the most innovative in the world,  roughly only 12% of USA companies have entered into international distribution channels. How can this be accounted for? The main reasons seem to be the following:

  1. The self-satisfaction with the lucrative market within our own borders.
  2. Lack of flexibility in creating products for foreign markets.
  3. An overriding emphasis by management for immediate results.
  4. An absence in our business culture for creating sales networks overseas.

With these facts in mind, SPAP COMPANY LLC realized that there was a need by USA manufacturers for international representative agencies and the type of international intelligence on which they could base their plans to systematically enter into specific countries or regions. United States companies and venture capitalists too bogged down and preoccupied with creating sales channels on their own home turf might want to consider one or more of the options below:

Consulting Services: Many times the reason that no export preparation takes place is because the whole process remains vague to the client. The variables can be so overwhelming that even though management wants to get started, the program remains in a kind of "warehouse of intentions". Hourly or project based consulting can help better define the goals, and programs can then be developed.

Outsourced Sales: If you think it is expensive and complicated to hire and staff people here in the USA, add orders of magnitude to doing the same overseas. Current technology, combined with international experience, allows a United States company to have their international manufacturer's representative running their international department off site. Coupled with this can be consulting that trains regular employees to eventually run the department themselves. This can be done on a retainer basis.

SDI Services: The Selective Dissemination of Information ("current awareness") can be used for a multitude of things. Here are two examples:

  1. Client wants to be educated on a specific country, industry or company overseas.
  2. Client wants IIB to do research to either confirm or disprove a report done internally on exports.

Finder's Fee/1 to 2 Year Step Down Agreement: Although this is not the mainline business for an international manufacturer's representative agency or international information specialist, it can be a natural fit. Even if the agency does not have deep understanding of the product, he can still spot the opportunity, leverage his international network of contacts, and influence the deal. And with the majority of foreign currencies weak against the United States dollar, foreign companies are looking for inputs or enabling technology that can add value to their own products or operations.

Licensing Agreement Compensation: The rep's customer wants the product to sell in their own country or region, but cannot afford to buy it in its finished form and/or the technology must be slightly modified to work in his part of the world. The rep's compensation can run in parallel with the licensing agreement between the two principals. In addition, the rep can then become an international sales representative for the new licensee (his ongoing customer through the licensing agreement) in selling the new licensed product into foreign countries.

With current data analysis already foreshadowing an inextricable link between valuable information and wealth creation (exports), the absolute necessity to see the world, connect the dots and strategize accordingly is becoming much more than a hallow slogan. The genius of the American free enterprise system, that encourages risk and the creation of innovative products, gives the SPAP COMPANY LLC agency unique goods and services to consider adding to our line card for those international markets where we already have a presence, or are consistently networking into.

With the right information, the hinges on the door of international commerce will more fully swing open to not only new, value laden, innovative products, components and enabling technology, but the specialized services of international representative companies and international information specialists that have stepped into the vacuum of the historical economic changes now taking place to champion the products of United States companies who are too busy or not properly staffed to do so themselves. The bottom line is that consumers from foreign markets want our products; the problem has been in neglecting lucrative foreign markets for want of a delivery system. And a delivery system is what the SPAP COMPANY LLC agency is offering.

I hope this gives you a better idea of what SPAP COMPANY LLC does. The following articles and interviews on international trade are for your perusal. We look forward to communicating with you about how we might be able to work with each other.

Jeff Henderson

Articles on International Trade
 This Time, It isn't Destination Damascus
Building Networks Creatively
DRTV Wise To Note Japanese Model
Representation In Overseas Market: Why Knowledge Of Technology, Media and Foreign Cultures Matters
Information Technology’s Impact on International Trade & Rep Attributes
Jeff Henderson Interview (in Chinese)
EARTH PLUS 10:The WTO and World Market Openings
International Distribution Channels Broadened by U.S. Manufacturer's Representative
Jeff Henderson's articles on Samsung's Think Tank
Onada Revisited:Reasons Japan Has Difficulty With Change
The Electronic Bypass and Japan
Getting Small and Medium-sized U.S. Companies Export Ready
"The Homestead Act":A White Paper on Rep's Pioneering Products into International Markets


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