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Program Contact

Sue Baker
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The Regional Autism Services Program is a cooperative effort of The Bureau of Children, Family, and Community Services at the Iowa Department of Education, Child Health Specialty Clinics, and the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at University of Iowa Health Care in Iowa City. This program coordinates: 1) community-based services for children with autism or its spectrum disorders 2) team-oriented interventions 3) interagency cooperation and 4) resource dissemination.

Contacts in Autism

The glossary termAEA Autism Resource Team leaders:

Advisory Group

There is an interagency advisory group that meets quarterly to advise and make decisions about activities and initiatives in the area of autism for the education community. Our mission is to promote excellence in services to Iowans with autism and their families through leadership and the support improvement. We're committed to ensuring that all Iowans with autism have regional access to a continuum of service options that allows them to realize their potential. We strive to promote a quality of life for children and adults with autism and their families which sets the standard for the nation.

Current Advisory Group Members

Funding Sources

The Iowa Department of Education funds this program's activities including one and a half full-time employees.

Guiding Practices

Best practice documents have been developed for Iowa and cover interventions for this population as well as a parent description introducing birth to eight year old practices for this population. National expectations/competencies will soon be available to inform and provide consistency for state-to-state.

The current knowledge regarding medical screening at risk for autism, and those with Asperger Disorder through the Child Health Specialty Clinics is reflected in valid and reliable screening tools used to inform community teams. Current national publications and scientifically based practices guide training, resources, and interventions to support this population.

Supporting Documents

There are numerous supporting documents describing resources in autism assessment/evaluation and early intervention articles and resources in autism.

Calendar of Events

Training for educators, education support personnel, community providers etc. in Iowa.

Supporting Links

There are numerous links to other organizations and comprehensive websites that provide information about autism and its spectrum disorders including pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified and Asperger's Disorder.


Sue Baker, Consultant
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