State / Territory Benefits - Oklahoma


Summary: Oklahoma offers special benefits for its military service members and veterans including 100% Veteran Disability Tax Exemption, Financial Assistance Program, Employment Assistance, Veteran's Employment Preference, Tuition Aid Grant, Special Vehicle License Plates, as well as Hunting and Fishing Privileges. Eligibility for some benefits may depend on residency, military component and veteran disability status.

State Benefit Highlights and Eligibility

State Taxes:

State Tax Benefit: $1,500.00 base pay exempt from state income tax.

Retired Military Pay: Up to $10,000.00 of retirement pay exempt.

Military Disability Retired Pay: Disability Portion - Length of Service Pay; Member on September 24, 1975 - No tax; Not Member on September 24, 1975 - Taxed, unless combat incurred. Retired Pay - Based solely on disability: Member on September 24, 1975 - No tax; Not Member on September 24, 1975 - Taxed, unless all pay based on disability and disability resulted from armed conflict, extra-hazardous service, simulated war, or an instrumentality of war.

VA Disability Dependency and Indemnity Compensation: Not subject to federal or state taxes.

100% Veteran Disability Tax Exemption: 100% tax exemption for sales tax, excise tax, and ad valorem tax (Latin term meaning " as to value" ), including city and county sales tax, will be exempt.
Eligibility: Persons who have been certified as receiving compensation at the 100% rate where disability is permanent and where it is service connected as certified by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.

100% Motor Vehicle Tax Exemption: The exemption may be claimed on only one vehicle in a consecutive three year period by any single qualifying veteran. The exemption applies to motor vehicles only. It does not apply to boats or motors. The exemption does not apply to surviving spouses of qualified veterans.
Eligibility: The qualifying Veteran must be listed on the title as an owner of the vehicle, the vehicle must have been purchased on or after 7/1/05 and a letter from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs must be presented certifying that the veteran is receiving disability compensation at the 100% rate or the exemption card issued to document the sales tax exemption must be presented.

100% Disabled Veteran Property Tax Exemption: There is a 100% property tax exemption for disabled veterans. Property tax systems are based on market value of real, personal and public service properties. The exemption can be claimed beginning January 1, 2006. The exemption will be for the full fair cash value of the homestead. Complete OTC Form 998, application for100% Disabled Veteran Property Tax Exemption and take to the county assessor's office for the county in which the property is located.
Eligibility: The qualifying veteran must be receiving disability compensation at the 100% rate. The exemption applies to the surviving spouse of the veteran as well.

Education Benefits:

Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant (OTAG): OTAG may cover up to 50 percent 50% of tuition costs depending upon your eligibility. Administered by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, this grant does not have to be repaid.
Eligibility: Oklahoma residents who have a high school diploma or GED certificate.

Oklahoma National Guard Tuition Waiver Program: The program waives the tuition (additional fees not included) at state supported 2 and 4 year colleges.
Eligibility: National Guard service member and must be at least a half-time student. Program is for baccalaureate degree only.

State of Oklahoma Department of Vocational Rehabilitation: This is a program that is available to assist individuals with physical or mental disabilities. Services include testing, psychological evaluation, medical examination, and counseling services. In some cases Vocational Rehabilitation pays tuition, fees, books, and supply costs.
Eligibility: A veteran of the Armed Forces of the United States and a resident of Oklahoma.

Employment Benefits:

Employment Assistance: State employee receives 20 work days military leave per year.
Eligibility: State employee on orders for Annual Drill or active duty.

Veteran Public Employment Preference: Veterans, spouses of veterans certified as unemployable, or un-remarried surviving spouses may receive preference in placement on the lists of eligible's for jobs for which they qualify. In order for veteran's preference to be awarded, it is necessary to complete this form and supply the documents listed below as "Required Proof". There are three levels of preference:
Eligibility: A veteran who has been honorably discharged from the Armed Forces of the United States and has been a resident of Oklahoma for at least 1 year prior to the date of the examination.
--5 point preference - 5 points may be added to the final score of any veteran, the spouse of a veteran certified as unemployable due to a service connected disability certified by the Veteran's Administration or any agency of the Department of Defense within 6 months of date of application, or un-remarried surviving spouse of a veteran.
--10 point preference - 10 points may be added to the score of any veteran who has submitted proof of having a service-connected disability.
--10 point preference plus placement at the top of the list - Veterans who are receiving benefits for a service-connected disability rated 30% or more are placed at the top of the register. Disability letters must be dated within six months of the application date.

Special Vehicle License Plates:

The fee for Special Vehicle License Plates shall be $8.00 and shall be in addition to all other registration fees provided by the Oklahoma Vehicle License and Registration Act. Such fees shall be deposited in the Oklahoma Tax Commission Reimbursement Fund to be used for the administration of the Oklahoma Vehicle License and Registration Act. A veteran with at least a 50% service connected disability is entitled to a reduced rate on annual registration and/or a special DAV license plate. AGR get reduced license plates at same rate as AD. POW, PH, Disabled Veterans

Air National Guard License Plates: Plates shall be designed for active or retired members of the Oklahoma Air National Guard. Retirees who are eligible for such plates shall provide proof of eligibility upon initial application, but shall not be required to provide proof of eligibility annually.

Killed in Action License Plates: Plates shall be designed to honor Oklahoma members of the United States Armed Forces who were killed in action. The spouse of the deceased person, if the spouse has not remarried, or if remarried, the remarriage is terminated by death, divorce, or annulment, may apply for a killed in action license plate upon presenting proper certification that the person was killed in action and that the person making the application is the qualifying spouse of the deceased person. The $8.00 fee provided by this section for the special license plate shall be in addition to all other registration fees.

Military Decoration License Plates: Plates shall be designed for any resident of Oklahoma who has been awarded the Distinguished Service Medal, the Distinguished Service Cross, the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Bronze Star military decoration or the Silver Star military decoration.

Veterans of Foreign Wars License Plates: Plates shall be designed to honor the veterans of foreign wars and issued to any resident of this state who is a member of a Veterans of Foreign Wars organization in this state. Such persons may apply for Veterans of Foreign Wars license plates upon proof of membership in a Veterans of Foreign Wars organization. The license plate shall be designed in consultation with the Veterans of Foreign Wars organization.

Desert Storm License Plates: Plates shall be designed and issued to any honorably discharged or present member of the United States Armed Forces who served in the Persian Gulf Crisis and the Desert Storm operation.

World War II Veterans License Plate: Plates shall be designed and issued to any honorably discharged member of the U.S. Armed Forces who served in World War II.  The initial fee is $10.00 and the renewal fee is $9.00.

Vietnam Veteran License Plate:  Plates shall be designed and issued to any honorably discharged member of the U.S. Armed Forces who served in the Vietnam conflict.  The initial fee is $10.00 and the renewal fee is $9.00.

D-Day Survivor License Plate:  Plates shall be designed and issued to any honorably discharged member of the U.S. Armed Forces who participated in D-Day.  The initial fee is $10.00 and the renewal fee is $9.00.

Combat Infantryman Badge License Plate:  Original license plate applicants must attach certification showing they are eligible for the Combat Infantryman Badge License Plate with a DD214 or Certificate of Award.  Initial fee is $10.00 with a $9.00 renewal fee.

Global War on Terrorism Plate:  Anyone may purchase a Global War on Terrorism Plate by completing for 710H.  The initial fee is $37.00 and the renewal fee is $36.00.

Iwo Jima License Plate:  Original license plate applicants must attach certification showing they are eligible for an Iwo Jima License Plate.  Initial fee is $10.00 with a $9.00 renewal fee.

Joint Service Commendation Medal License Plate:  Original license plate applicants must attach certification showing they are eligible for the Joint Servie Commendation Medal License Plate (DD214, Certificate of Award, etc). 

Military Reserve Unit License Plates: Plates shall be designed and issued to any honorably discharged or present member of a reserve unit of the United States Armed Forces.

Disabled Veterans License Plates: Plates shall be designed for persons presenting proper certification from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs or the Armed Forces of the United States certifying such veteran has a service-connected disability rating of fifty percent (50%) or more, regardless which agency pays the disability benefits, or that such veteran has been awarded a vehicle by the United States government or receives a grant from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs for the purchase of an automobile due to a service-connected disability rating or due to the loss of use of a limb or an eye. Such persons may apply to the Tax Commission for a disabled veteran's license plate or to a motor license agent for a regular license plate for no more than two vehicles. The surviving spouse of any deceased disabled veteran is eligible, if the spouse has not since remarried, or if remarried, the remarriage is terminated by death, divorce, or annulment, may apply for a Disabled Veterans license plate. The fee provided by this section for the special license plate authorized by this paragraph shall be in addition to all other registration fees provided by law, except the registration fees levied by Section 1132 of this title. If the person qualifies for a Disabled Veteran's license plate and is also eligible for an insignia as a physically disabled person under the provisions of Section 15-112 of this title, the person shall be eligible to receive a Disabled Veteran's license plate that also displays the international accessibility symbol, which is a stylized human figure in a wheelchair. Upon the death of the disabled veteran with a Disabled Veteran's license plate with the international accessibility symbol, the plate shall be returned to the Tax Commission.

Surviving Spouse License Plates: Plates shall be designed for any resident of this state who is the surviving spouse of an honorably discharged veteran who died due to or as a consequence of a service-connected disability. Such surviving spouse may, if not since remarried, or if remarried, the remarriage is terminated by death, divorce or annulment, apply for a Surviving Spouse license plate.

National Guard License Plates: Plates shall be designed for active or retired members of the Oklahoma National Guard. Retirees who are eligible for such plates shall provide proof of eligibility upon initial application, but shall not be required to provide proof of eligibility annually; NG license plates at regular rate plus $5.

Prisoner of War License Plates: Plates shall be designed for honorably discharged or present members of the United States Armed Forces and civilians who were former prisoners of war held by a foreign country and who can provide proper certification of that status. Such persons may apply for a prisoner of war license plate for no more than two vehicles. The surviving spouse of any deceased former prisoner of war is eligible, if the spouse has not since remarried, or if remarried, the remarriage is terminated by death, divorce, or annulment, may apply for a prisoner of war license plate for one vehicle. The $8.00 fee provided for the special license plate authorized shall be in addition to all other registration fees provided by law, except the registration fees.

Missing In Action License Plates: Plates shall be designed to honor members of the United States Armed Forces who are missing in action. Plates are available at regular rate plus $1.00. The spouse of such missing person, if the spouse has not since remarried, or if remarried, the remarriage is terminated by death, divorce, or annulment, and each parent of the missing person may apply for a missing in action license plate upon presenting proper certification that the person is missing in action and that the person making the application is the qualifying spouse or the parent of the missing person. The qualifying spouse and each parent of the missing person may each apply for the missing in action license plate.

Purple Heart Recipient License Plates: Plates shall be designed for any resident of this state presenting proper certification from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs or the Armed Forces of the United States certifying that such resident has been awarded the Purple Heart military decoration. Plates are available at regular rate plus $1.00. The surviving spouse of any deceased veteran, who has been awarded the Purple Heart military decoration, if such spouse has not since remarried, or if remarried, the remarriage has been terminated by death, divorce or annulment, may apply for such plate for one vehicle.

Pearl Harbor Survivor License Plates: Plates shall be designed for any resident of this state who can be verified by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs or the Armed Forces of the United States as being a member of the United States Armed Forces on December 7, 1941, stationed on December 7, 1941, during the hours of 7:55 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. Hawaii time at Pearl Harbor, the island of Oahu, or offshore at a distance not to exceed three (3) miles, and a recipient of an honorable discharge from the United States Armed Forces.

United States Armed Forces: Plates shall be designed for active, retired, former or reserve members of the United States Armed Forces, and shall identify which branch of service, and carry the emblem and name of either the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines or Coast Guard, according to the branch of service to which the member belongs or did belong. Former members who have been dishonorably discharged shall not be eligible for such plates. Persons applying for such license plate must show proof of present or past military service by presenting a valid Uniformed Services Identity Card or the United States Department of Defense Form (DD) 214. Retired or former members who are eligible for such plates shall provide proof of eligibility upon initial application, but shall not be required to provide proof of eligibility annually.

Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient License Plates: Plates shall be designed for any resident of this state who has been awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. Such persons may apply for a Congressional Medal of Honor recipient license plate for each vehicle. There shall be no registration fee for the issuance of this plate.

Health and Insurance Benefits:

Medical Benefits: Hospital and medical treatment provided for injury or disease through Worker's Compensation.
Eligibility: National Guard service member onState active duty.

Worker's Compensation: Same as State employees.
Eligibility: National Guard service member onState active duty.

Group Insurance: Oklahoma National Guard Association offers Guard members $5,000.00 up to $200,000.00 life insurance.
Eligibility: National Guard service member.

Injury/Death Benefits: Paid by Worker's Compensation benefits.
Eligibility: Disease, injury or death occurs while serving on State Active Duty.

Hunting and Fishing Licenses:

Hunting and Fishing Privileges: Free hunting and fishing permit.
Eligibility: Veterans who are 60% or more service connected disabled and legal residents of Oklahoma.

Miscellaneous Benefits:

Oklahoma Financial Assistance Program: A program to provide financial aid to veterans, their wives, widows, and children who are experiencing an emergency. Such must be due to an interruption or loss of job and income resulting from illness, injury or disaster such as loss of home due to fire, flood or storm. Unemployment not resulting from the above cannot be considered for one-time emergency aid and not as recurring source of income. Financial Assistance funds are to be used only for the actual necessities of food, rent and utilities for Veterans and their dependents. The funds cannot be used for old debts, doctor or hospital bills, car payment, etc.
Eligibility: Financial aid grants are available to war veterans discharged under honorable conditions, who meet a one year residency requirement and have ninety (90) days of actual wartime service, in the Armed Forces for the United States during the period of a time in which the United States participated in a war, campaign or battle, but excluding any person who served on active duty for training only, unless discharged from active duty for service connected disability (Proof of service is required) falling within these dates:

  • WWI from 4/6/17 to 11/11/18.
  • WWII from 12/7/41 to 12/31/46.
  • Korean Conflict from 6/27/50 to1/31/55.
  • Vietnam Era from 8/5/64 to 5/7/75 (2/28/61 for veterans who served " in country" before 8/5/64).
  • Persian Gulf War from 8/1/90 through future date to be set by law or presidential proclamation.

Other than death cases, a recent medical statement showing the veteran's inability to work is required for emergencies involving disasters such as fire, flood or storm damage to a home. A statement from the investigating agency concerning disaster claims. The widow or minor child's eligibility is based on the veteran's wartime service.

Oklahoma Veterans Homes: Oklahoma is among the top two states in the number of Veterans Centers providing intermediate to skilled nursing care and domiciliary care for its wartime veterans. Professional personnel provide diversified health services for every facet of complete health care in the Veterans Centers. These health services include but are not limited to laboratory, x-ray, pharmaceutical, dietary, social, and recreational. The Veterans Centers operate much like private communities, situated on spacious, landscaped acreage. State Veterans Centers include:

  • Ardmore--175 nursing care beds
  • Claremore--302 nursing care beds
  • Clinton--148 nursing care beds--8 domiciliary beds
  • Lawton--200 nursing care beds
  • Norman--301 nursing care beds
  • Sulphur--132 nursing care beds
  • Talihina--175 nursing care beds
Eligibility: Veteran must have served in the active Armed Forces of the United States during wartime and discharged under conditions other than dishonorable.
Wartime dates are:
  • WWI from 4/6/17 to 11/11/18
  • WWII from 12/7/41 to 12/31/46
  • Korean Conflict from 6/27/50 to 1/31/55
  • Vietnam Era from 8/5/64 to 5/7/75 (2/28/61 for Veterans who served " in country" before 8/5/64)
  • Persian Gulf War from 08/02/90 through future date to be set by law or presidential proclamation.

Veterans must have served at least ninety (90) days, except where discharged due to or as a result of a service connected disability, with one or more days being during a wartime period as prescribed above. A veteran must be disabled by age, disease or other reason as determined through physical examination by an Oklahoma Veterans Center physician to be eligible for admission. For domiciliary, the veteran must be ambulant, be able to dress, and perform necessary bathroom needs. For nursing care, the veteran must be disabled or diseased to a degree that requires intermediate or skilled type nursing care.

Confidentiality of Department of Defense Form 214: The county clerk shall keep any Department of Defense Form 214 (DD Form 214) filed with the clerk, separate from records available for public inspection and shall not make the DD Form 214 available to any person except as provided in this section. A record of the names of veterans who have filed DD Forms 214 with the clerk shall be made available for public inspection. The county clerk may authorize the viewing or copying of a veteran's DD Form 214 only by the veteran, the veteran's spouse or child, a guardian for or a person having power of attorney for the veteran, spouse, or child upon presentation of a court order showing the appointment, the executor or administrator of the estate of the veteran or spouse upon presentation of a court order showing the appointment, a representative of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, a funeral director upon presentation of a contract signed by the person responsible for the funeral costs for the veteran, or a person authorized by the court to view or copy the DD Form 214 upon presentation of the court order. The clerk shall record the names and addresses of all persons viewing or copying a DD Form 214.

Certification of Public Record: The local County Recorders Office will record, without cost to the veterans, certificates of discharge or separation from the Armed Forces of the United States. When a copy of any public record is required of any person to participate in benefits made available by the veteran's administration the official custodian of such public record shall without charge provide the applicant for such benefits, any person acting on his behalf, or the authorized representative of the Veteran's Administration with a certified copy of such record.
Eligibility: When used by the Veteran's Administration in determining the eligibility of a veteran.

Military Installations and Veterans Affairs Facilities in Oklahoma

Active Duty:

Ft. Sill:

McAlester Army Ammo Plant:

Air Force
Altus Air Force Base (AFB):

Tinker AFB:

Vance AFB:

National Guard:

Oklahoma Joint National Guard Headquarters:

Oklahoma Army National Guard:

Oklahoma Air National Guard:

United States Army Reserve (USAR):

Regional Readiness Command (RRC) Headquarters, 90th RRC:

Veterans Administration (VA) Medical Facilities in Oklahoma:

VA Medical Centers
Muskogee: Muskogee VA Medical Center
Oklahoma City: Oklahoma City VA Medical Center

Outpatient Clinics
Konawa: Central Oklahoma OPC
McAlester: McAlester, OK CBOC
Tulsa: Tulsa Outpatient Clinic

Community Based Outpatient Clinics
Newkirk: Newkirk Clinic
Ponca City: Internal Medicine

Veteran Centers
Oklahoma City: Oklahoma City Vet Center
Tulsa: Tulsa Vet Center


Section 67.13a of Title 72 of the Oklahoma Statutes

Oklahoma Statutes 2001, Title 72, Section 67.13A

Oklahoma House Joint Resolution 1044

Sales Tax: Title 68 O.S. Supp. 2005, Section 1357 (32), as amended by Laws 2005, Chapter 381, Section 9

Motor Vehicle: Title 68 O.S. Supp. 2005, Section 2105 (16)

Ad Valorem: Oklahoma Constitution Article 10, Section 8E

Oklahoma Statutes, Title 72

Oklahoma Vehicle License and Registration Act

Document Review Date: 01 June 2008
