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Treatment Options

The Treatment Options topic includes references to activities, research and trials that may someday lead to new treatments for systemic amyloidosis. At this time, we have provided information for those with Primary AL Amyloidosis. Other types of amyloidosis will be addressed here as the details become available.

The information provided here typically does not include any professional comment, but it should be something for you to discuss with a physician. Our goal is to include information that will help you make informed decisions about the care that is being extended to you by the medical profession.

It is important for you to understand that this is a complicated subject. There is no easy way to explain it simply. In our experience, the patients that do the best are those that take charge of their medical care. This means understanding the disease and what your options are. The information below and in other parts of this web site are intended to help you make decisions about your care or the care of a loved one.

For additional information on amyloidosis in general, go to the professional page scroll down until you see THE PHYSICIAN'S GUIDE TO AMYLOIDOSIS - Written By Dr. Rodney Falk, produced by NORD (The National Organization for Rare Disorders) and funded by the Amyloidosis Foundation, Inc. 2006 edition. If you are a newly diagnosed patient or a concerned family/caregiver, this booklet may be somewhat technical, but we feel like if you read it you would get something out of it.




This page was last revised on May 30, 2006