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Region 5 State Program Authorization Under RCRA Subtitle C

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The Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) regulations are found in 40 CFR Parts 260-270. Congress intended for States to assume responsibility for implementing the RCRA program with oversight from the Federal government because they believe the States are more familiar with the regulated community and are in a better position to administer the programs and respond to specific State and local needs. For more details, select from the following link:

Introduction to State Authorization Training Manual

Status of RCRA State Authorization in Region 5

In Region 5, the States of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin are authorized to implement the hazardous waste program (except in Indian Country). Under RCRA, States must regularly revise and update their programs to meet Federal requirements and submit revision applications to EPA for approval. For current data on the status of RCRA Subtitle C authorization of the Region 5 states, select from the following link(s):

Additional Links to National and Region 5 State Hazardous Waste Statutes and Regulations:

Please e-mailĀ Judith Greenberg at greenberg.judith@epa.gov or call (312) 886-4179, if you have any questions or regarding the contents of this page.


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