USAID: From the American People | ASIA

Papua New Guinea


Papua New Guinea, a Pacific island nation north of Australia, has a diverse geography and population. Its 5.8 million inhabitants live primarily in traditional groups and practice subsistence agriculture. USAID's programs in the country focus on health and the environment. Over the last 20 years, Papua New Guinea has developed an HIV epidemic that accounts for 70% of the cases in the Pacific region. USAID supports the Government of Papua New Guinea in reducing HIV prevalence in most-at-risk groups and preventing the further spread of HIV in the general population. USAID also assists the country to conserve its natural resources through regional programs in sustainable forestry and coastal-marine practices.



USAID's health efforts in Papua New Guinea are focused on improving the capacity, quality, and effectiveness of programs in prevention, care, support, and treatment of most-at-risk populations and people living with HIV/AIDS. USAID works closely with the Government of Papua New Guinea, the U.S Embassy, and other donors to ensure strategic focus of HIV efforts and high-impact spending of available resources. USAID develops models that can be scaled up by other donors and that contribute to preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS for those most at risk. USAID is also implementing a model of continuity from prevention to care to treatment in specific regions of the country.


USAID’s Responsible Asia Forestry and Trade (RAFT) program is active in Papua New Guinea. The program promotes improved forest management, governance, and enforcement as part of a broader, regional initiative. 


Warren Harrity
Program Development Office
U.S. Agency for International Development
GPF Witthayu Tower A
93/1 Wireless Road
Bangkok 10330 Thailand
Office: (66-2) 263-7440
Fax: (66-2) 263-7499

Map of Asia that highlights Papua New Guinea's location.
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