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Grants for State Water Programs

The State and Tribal Programs Branch (STPB) manages the award and evaluation of grants that fund the operation of water protection programs. These grants support the issue of permits that help States and Tribes: limit pollution of rivers and streams; monitor the safety of drinking water; demonstrate methods for producing crops and livestock that also protect the environment.

The STPB ensures that this important work proceeds without disruption and in a financially responsible manner. The main grant programs managed by Branch staff members are:

  • Section 106 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)
  • Section 319 (h) of the CWA
  • Section 1443 (a) of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)
  • Section 1443 (b) of the SDWA
  • Image depicts our working partnerships with the six Region 5 states and 35 Tribes through the funding of grants.

    Section 106 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)

    Region 5 States and Tribes receive Federal funds to administer the programs that protect their surface water and ground waters. CWA 106 funds are used to: set water quality standards; monitor the quality of rivers, streams, and aquifers; develop plans for improving water quality; and, issue and enforce National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits for the discharge of wastewater from sewage treatment plans and industrial facilities.

    Section 319 (h) of the CWA

    Region 5 States and Tribes receive Federal funds to implement projects designed to control Non-Point Sources of Water Pollution. Non-point pollution is a diffuse pollution source that does not have a single point of origin or is not introduced into a receiving stream from a specific outlet.

    Section 319 of the Clean Water Act provides for grants to States and Tribes that operate non-point source management programs. These programs: control difficult or serious non-point source pollution problems, such as those resulting from mining activities; implement innovative methods or practices for controlling non-point sources of pollution, including regulatory programs; control interstate non-point source pollution problems; and, manage ground water quality protection activities. This includes research, planning, ground water assessments, demonstration programs, enforcement, technical assistance, education, and training to protect ground water quality from nonpoint sources of pollution.

    Section 1443 (a) of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)

    Region 5 States and Tribes receive funds to implement the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act through the Public Water Supervision System. These funds are used to oversee the operation of public water suppliers. This ensures that water suppliers meet Federally established standards to protect, treat, and monitor drinking water.

    Section 1443 (b) of the SDWA

    Several Region 5 States and Tribes also receive funds for Underground Injection Control through the Safe Drinking Water Act to protect ground water from waste that is injected into disposal wells.

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