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Ephemeral Wetlands

Ephemeral Wetlands may also be referred to as ephemeral ponds, seasonal ponds, temporary ponds or vernal pools.

Ephemeral Wetlands are depressional wetlands that temporarily hold water in the spring and early summer or after heavy rains. Periodically, these wetlands dry up, often in mid to late summer. They are isolated without a permanent inlet or outlet, but may overflow in times of high water. Ephemeral Wetlands are free of fish, which allows for the successful breeding of certain amphibians and invertebrates.

Midwestern Ephemeral Wetlands Pamphlet Cover


Midwestern Ephemeral Wetlands Pamphlet

Interested in more information on this topic?

  • Request a hard copy of the Midwestern Ephemeral Wetlands pamphlet. Send an email message to Ed Hammer including your request, name, and address.

  • Download a copy of the pamphlet to view on your computer or print yourself. Note that the appearance may vary depending on the type of printer used.
    (wetlands_brochure.pdf, 640Kb)
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Watersheds & Wetlands Topics

Local Water Topics

Creating Vernal Ponds

Interested in information on how to build and maintain an ephemeral wetland?

  • Request a hard copy or Download a copy of "A Guide to Creating Vernal Ponds" to find out how to establish a wetland that contains water long enough for aquatic plants, hydric-soils, and amphibian larvae to develop. For more information on this book and topic, visit http://www.southernregion.fs.fed.us/boone exit EPA

Topic-Related Past Events:

Midwest Ephemeral Wetlands Workshop

February 22, 2002
Chicago, Illinois

The workshop focused on the development of additional educational material.


Midwest Ephemeral Wetlands
"A Vanishing Habitat" Conference

February 20-21, 2002
Chicago, Illinois

This successful conference was attended by several hundred people. The final Agenda is available, as well as the presentation abstracts.



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