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Activities ADID Contacts Education
Enforcement Ephemeral Grants Permitting

Regional Wetlands Activities & Issues

The following Region 5 activities represent the types of wetlands issues involving EPA:
Picture of a Wetland in the Illinois River Basin

Wetlands Permitting in Region 5

While the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers administers the day-to-day program, develops policy and guidance, and enforces Section 404 provisions, the responsibilities of U.S. EPA include:
  • Developing and interpreting environmental criteria used in evaluating permit applications;
  • Determining scope of geographic jurisdiction;
  • Approving and overseeing State assumption;
  • Identifying activities that are exempt;
  • Reviewing/commenting on individual permit applications; and
  • Enforcing Section 404 provisions.

2001 Permitting Highlights

  • Screened 375 permit applications;
  • Commented on 21 proposed permits;
  • Recommended denial of 10 permits totaling 1,273 acres of wetlands;
  • Recommended a reduction of fill saving 12 acres of wetlands; and
  • Recommended increased mitigation resulting in an additional 18 acres of wetlands.

The following is a list of the Offices of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers exit EPA and other regulatory contacts for wetlands by State:

Illinois Indiana Michigan
Minnesota Ohio Wisconsin

Wetlands Enforcement and Compliance in Region 5

Enforcing Section 404 provisions is among the responsibilities of U.S. EPA. EPA enforcement highlights for 2001 in Region 5 include:

  • 9 new actions;
  • Restoration of 650 acres of wetlands sought;
  • 6 enforcement cases concluded;
  • Assessment of $811,000 in civil penalties and 81 acres of wetlands mitigation;
  • SEP completed to remove dam on the Deerskin River, Wisconsin; and
  • 33 active cases.

Wetlands Protection Development Grants in Region 5

Region 5 awarded $1,581,000 in wetlands grants. Activities funded address the use of biocriteria for wetlands, wild rice research and expanded floristic quality indices. Administrative refinements include evaluating the effectiveness of compensatory mitigation, several wetland assessment and monitoring methodologies, State program refinements and several significant staff training efforts. Other grants will promote expanded wetland volunteer monitoring and local ordinance development. A number of projects were completed and put to use from previous wetlands grants:
  • Wetland mitigation surveys completed by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management contributed to the National Academy of Sciences report on compensatory mitigation.
  • Ohio EPA's wetland grant work resulted in the development of a rapid wetland assessment methodology which has been calibrated to their wetland biocriteria. The methodology is being used to implement Ohio's wetlands water quality standards. The data generated during grant work is currently being used to defend the standards in court.

Advance Identification of Wetlands (ADID)

The USEPA sponsors ADIDs with the COE and other partners in areas where development, mining, agricultural, or other pressures threaten high quality or locally critical wetlands with destruction or deterioration. The purpose of ADIDs is to further wetland protection by providing science-based information on wetlands to those making local land-use decisions.

  • The Northwest Indiana Advance Identification of Wetlands Study (ADID) was developed with several partner organizations and individual volunteers and is nearly complete. Public notice of the results of the study will be published in the first quarter of FY02. The ADID, which was produced using Geographic Information System (GIS) software, will reside on the Indiana Geological Survey's Lake Rim web site exit EPA. This site provides several environmental and natural resource data layers specific to the Northwest Indiana Region. These GIS coverages can be selectively accessed to create a variety of maps to support a range of analyses of the ADID wetlands information.

Wetlands Education and Outreach in Region 5

In February 2002, Region 5 sponsored a conference and workshop on "Midwest Ephemeral Wetlands: A Vanishing Habitat" in Chicago, Illinois. Proceedings from these sessions will be published online as they become available in electronic format. The presentation abstracts are summarized below in Portable Document File (PDF) format.

Midwestern Ephemeral Wetlands Conference Presentation Abstracts
[File: eph_wet_abstracts.pdf (152 KB)]  Using PDFs

Other useful wetlands education resources found within Region 5 are:
More Wetlands Education Information

Wetlands Contacts

For more information about wetlands, please contact:
Watersheds & Wetlands Topics | Other Local Water Topics


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