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The goal of the Office of Radiation and Indoor Air (ORIA) is to protect the public and the environment from exposures to radiation and indoor air pollutants.

The Office develops protection criteria, standards, and policies; works with other programs within EPA and other agencies to control radiation and indoor air pollution exposures; provides technical assistance to states through EPA's regional offices, and to other agencies having radiation and indoor air protection programs; directs an environmental radiation monitoring program; responds to radiological emergencies; and evaluates and assesses the overall risk and impact of radiation and indoor air pollution.

The Office is EPA's lead office for intra- and inter-agency activities coordinated through the Committee for Indoor Air Quality. It coordinates with and assists the Office of Enforcement in enforcement activities where EPA has jurisdiction. The Office disseminates information and works with state and local governments, industry and professional groups, and citizens to promote actions to reduce exposures to harmful levels of radiation and indoor air pollutants, including radon.

State Radiation Programs: Exit EPA Disclaimer

For further information on this area contact Michael Murphy

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