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Reaffirming Ties – May 2009
Saudi Arabia

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates re-enlists soldiers deployed on Field Operating Base Airborne in the Wardak province, Afghanistan, May 8, 2009. DoD photo by U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Jerry Morrison  More Photos

Top Stories

Gates Visits Troops in Kandahar

KANDAHAR PROVINCE, Afghanistan, May 8, 2009 – Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates visited the only battalion-sized U.S. unit operating in the southern Afghanistan province of Kandahar. Story»

Gates Develops 'To Do' List
From Two-Day Afghan Visit

FORWARD OPERATING BASE AIRBORNE, Afghanistan, May 8, 2009 – Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates wrapped up a two-day visit to Afghanistan today, telling reporters he’s optimistic about efforts under way and the initiatives he pushed to support them – and that he’s ready to go back to Washington with a “to do” list to continue the momentum. Story»

Gates Assures 10th Mountain
Soldiers of Continued Support

FORWARD OPERATING BASE AIRBORNE, Afghanistan, May 8, 2009 – During his last stop on a whirlwind visit to Afghanistan, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates brought encouragement and assurance of support to 10th Mountain Division soldiers. Story»

Gates: History Shows Importance
Of Staying Engaged in Afghanistan

FORWARD OPERATING BASE AIRBORNE, Afghanistan, May 8, 2009 – History provides an important lesson on the perils of ignoring Afghanistan, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said as he visited a remote site in Afghanistan's Wardak province. Story»

Gates Gets ‘Thumbs Up’ on
Afghan Public Protection Program

FORWARD OPERATING BASE AIRBORNE, Afghanistan, May 8, 2009 – Afghan leaders, special operators and 10th Mountain Division soldiers gave Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates their stamp of approval on a new program that’s getting local Afghans to help build security in their communities. Story»

Taliban 'Overreached'
In Latest Pakistan Offensive

WASHINGTON, May 7, 2009 – The Taliban "overreached" in their offensive in Pakistan's Buner district, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said in Kabul. Transcript  |  Story»

U.S. Regrets Any Loss of
Innocent Lives in Afghanistan

WASHINGTON, May 7, 2009 – The United States, coalition and Afghan government regret even one innocent civilian death, and they will continue to do all they can to avoid civilian casualties, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said during a visit to Kabul. Story»

Gates Focuses on Troops' Needs

KABUL, May 7, 2009 – Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates visited two remote outposts in Afghanistan that will accommodate incoming troops and thanked the soldiers for providing the security foundation needed for the Afghanistan-Pakistan strategy to succeed. Story»

Marines Host Lively Q & A Session

CAMP LEATHERNECK, Afghanistan, May 7, 2009 – Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates held a lively question-and-answer session with Marines newly deployed to southern Afghanistan, answering questions about everything from deployment lengths to military operations. Story»

Gates Seeks 'Ground Level'
View of Afghanistan Operations

KABUL, May 6, 2009 – Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates arrived in Kabul for a surprise visit “to get a sense from the ground level” about how operations are going in Afghanistan. Story»

McKiernan Views Incoming Troops
As Opportunity in Afghanistan

KABUL, May 6, 2009 – The new U.S. Afghanistan-Pakistan strategy, with more troops and nonmilitary resources to flow into Afghanistan to support it, opens a window of opportunity to break a security “stalemate,” the senior coalition military official in Afghanistan said. Story»

Joint Investigation Aims to Get to Bottom of Afghanistan Incident

KABUL, May 6, 2009 – U.S. and Afghan officials in Kabul have launched an investigation into a May 4 engagement in Afghanistan’s Farah province to determine the validity of claims of high civilian casualties. Story»

Secretary Lauds U.S. Efforts to Mentor, Boost Saudi Arabian Military Capacity

ESKAN VILLAGE, Saudi Arabia, May 6, 2009 – Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates called the mentorship that U.S. forces are providing the Saudi Arabian military a key factor in maintaining stability in the region and an example of the capacity-building efforts he’d like to see more of elsewhere in the world. Story»

Gates Praises Egypt, Seeks
Saudi Support in Pakistan

CAIRO, May 5, 2009 – Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates praised Egypt as a key U.S. ally during a trip to the Middle East and said progress on a wide range of security issues in the region will require Egypt's "full participation and leadership." Story»

U.S. to Keep Arab Friends
Informed on Talks With Iran

CAIRO, May 5, 2009 – Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates emphasized on the first day of his trip to the Middle East that the United States will keep its Arab friends informed of any talks it enters into with Iran. Story»

Gates Trip Aims to Reaffirm
Ties With Egypt, Saudi Arabia

EN ROUTE TO CAIRO, May 4, 2009 – Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates is traveling to Egypt and Saudi Arabia for sessions aimed at reaffirming ties with the important regional powers that both have strong military-to-military relationships with the United States. Story»

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates talks to Marines deployed to Camp Leatherneck on Field Operating Base Bastion, Afghanistan, during a recent trip to southwest Asia May 7, 2009. DoD photo by U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Jerry Morrison  More Photos

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates talks to members of the press in Kabul after touring field operating bases in Afghanistan during a recent trip to southwest Asia, May 7, 2009. DoD photo by U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Jerry Morrison  More Photos

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates boards his aircraft after visiting and talking to members of the U.S. Military Training Mission, Eskan Village, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, May 6, 2009. DoD photo by U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Jerry Morrison  More Photos

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates thanks members of the U.S. Military Training Mission, Eskan Village, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, May 6, 2009. DoD photo by U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Jerry Morrison  More Photos

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates talks to members of the U.S. Military Training Mission, Eskan Village, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, May 6, 2009. DoD photo by U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Jerry Morrison  More Photos

Members of the Egyptian Honor Guard march away after greeting U.S. Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates upon his arrival at the Ministry of Defense in Cairo, Egypt, May 5, 2009. DoD photo by U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Jerry Morrison  More Photos

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