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State Grant Measures Template

What is the “State Grant Measures Template (SGMT)?”

In EPA’s FY 2007 budget, OMB instructed EPA to “…develop a standardized template for States to use in reporting results achieved under grant agreements with EPA.  The template must include clear linkages to EPA strategic plan and long term/annual goals; include consistent requirements for regular performance reporting; and allow for meaningful comparisons between various States’ past and planned activities and performance.”

To implement this requirement, EPA and the States, through the ECOS Planning Committee and Partnership and Performance Workgroup, jointly identified a limited set of existing performance measures to be included as an attachment to FY 2007 work plans for 14 categorical grants, listed below.  Given the short time frame to implement OMB’s requirement for FY 2007, initial work focused on identifying a consistent approach for including a common set of FY 2007 measures from existing reporting, rather than undertaking broader revisions to State grant work plans.

EPA’s Goals for SGMT Implementation
  1. Involve States in the selection and design of the SGMs.
  2. Use existing EPA/State measures and data sources where possible to minimize burden on States.
  3. Augment current EPA/State partnership agreements and grant workplans instead of replacing them.
  4. Focus measures on more immediate human health and environmental outcomes.
  5. Integrate this effort with current and future efforts to improve the Agency’s planning and performance.
  1. Clean Air Act: Section 105
  2. Indoor Radon
  3. Toxic Substances Compliance
  4. Pesticides Enforcement
  5. Lead
  6. Pesticides Program Implementation
  7. Brownfields
  8. Hazardous Waste Financial Assistance
  9. Underground Storage Tanks
  10. Public Water System Supervision SDWA: Section 1443(a)
  11. Underground Injection Control
  12. Beaches Protection
  13. Pollution Control: Section 106
  14. Non-Point Source Pollution: Section 319

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