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In Small Business

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Are you a small business? Do you want to know if your waste is regulated or how to reduce the amount of waste you generate? To learn more about these topics and find environmental information and resources for small businesses, visit the links below.

Preventing Waste

Waste prevention enables businesses to save money and reduce operating costs. Waste prevention involves altering the design, manufacture, purchase, or use of products and materials to reduce the toxicity and amount of waste generated. Additional links concerning waste prevention include:

The National Partnership for Environmental Priorities (NPEP) program partners with public and private organizations to reduce the use or release of any of 31 Priority Chemicals.

EPA also helps many businesses find creative ways to improve their competitiveness while reducing solid waste through a partnership program called WasteWise. This program shows companies how to reduce the amount of solid waste generated and how to save money by doing so.

Other partnership programs administered by EPA help businesses set and reach environmental goals such as conserving water and energy and reducing greenhouse gases or toxic emissions. Through the Partners for the Environment program, EPA collaborates with thousands of organizations, including both small and large businesses, using voluntary goals and commitments to achieve measurable environmental results.

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Resources for Small Businesses

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Resources for Food Service Organizations

Putting Surplus Food to Good Use: A How-To Guide for Food Service Providers (PDF) (2 pp, 1.1MB)
Provides guidance for food service providers-supermarkets, hospitals, universities, restaurants, and food preparation companies-about what to do with leftover food.

Waste Not/Want Not: A Guide for Feeding the Hungry Through Food Recovery (PDF) (59 pp, 1.5MB)
Explains how any state, municipality, or private business that deals with food, can reduce its solid waste by facilitating the donation of wholesome surplus food according to the food hierarchy. Also lists ways you can join the growing food recovery movement, and provides a framework to help you protect the environment while making a difference in the daily lives and futures of hungry families across our nation.

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