USAID: From the American People | Vietnam


USAID/Vietnam, formerly under the umbrella of RDMA, is now a bilateral mission. RDMA will continue to host USAID/Vietnam’s information until its website is launched.

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Vietnam’s 85 million people are moving from a centrally-planned to a market-oriented economy, their social and economic progress propelled by annual growth rates of 6 to 8% since 2000 that have enabled the country to reduce poverty by one-third.  Despite its position as one of the world’s most-reforming economies and its being considered a model of successful development, Vietnam still faces challenges. These include an HIV/AIDS epidemic fuelled by injecting drug use, a potential avian influenza pandemic, and the challenges of running an increasingly sophisticated economy while developing global-standard legal, regulatory, and capital systems.  Since a prosperous Vietnam is vital to maintaining regional stability, USAID’s activities strive to accelerate its transition to an open, market-based economy, develop capacities to mitigate the harmful effects of HIV/AIDS, improve vulnerable groups’ access to services, and ensure that environmental governance progresses along with economic and social development. Through its activities since 2000, USAID has provided over $200 million dollars in assistance to Vietnam.


  • Creating better opportunities for persons with disabilities and ethnic minorities
  • Strengthening economic policies and governance
  • Targeting HIV/AIDS and avian influenza
  • Public-private partnerships protect the environment, help farmers, and promote information technologies
  • Enhancing preparedness and mitigation of disasters and disaster risk reduction


Francis A. Donovan
USAID Representative
15/F, Tung Shing Tower
2 Ngo Quyen Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: (84-4) 3935-1260
Fax: (84-4) 3935-1265

Desk Officer (RDMA)
Cheryl Jennings
Tel: (202) 712-4705

Map of Southeast Asia that highlights Vietnam and its capital, Hanoi.`


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