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USAID Web Site Redesign and Page Templates

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Update: The USAID Web Site is undergoing a transitional redesign. Instructions for retrofitting your pages to this new design are now available here. Additionally, the template downloads in this page are currently outdated, and a new downloadable template will be available here as soon as it is available. A discussion topic has been opened on the Xweb Webboard to discuss the changes to the template and the new design. In the meantime, you can use the new Module Headers Graphic PSD to begin converting your side modules into the new template.

These links will take you to the code templates and graphics of the new USAID External Web Site design, which we are currently implementing. Please check this page often, as we will be posting additional navigation module templates, site guidelines, and additional information and tips related to the new design in the coming days and weeks. The code templates at left are annotated to help orient you to the code and assist you in finding key elements of the page design. Please do not use them to create pages. Instead, please use the versions included in For guidance on how to apply this template to your content, please refer to the Technical Regulations.

Please note: The word "subfolder" is used in SSI and link references in as a placeholder for your content's location. This does not mean that you need to name your subfolders "subfolder." The page template is in the /our_work folder as an EXAMPLE. It is very possible, if your content does not belong in Our Work, that you will need to change these URLs. It is not feasible for us to create a custom zip file for each of you.

There is a copy of main.css, the new USAID stylesheet, in the file at left. Please save this to the root of the hard drive in which you will be redesigning your content, so that you can preview your new content offline. You may also use the main.txt file at left - just be sure to rename it main.css.

When coding navigation bar modules that you would like syndicated across other parts of the site, please be sure to use the full directory structure in link URLs, so that these links will work when the file is included on a page on another part of the site. For example, if your pages reside in /our_work/environment/energy, a correct link to a document in this folder would be <a href="/our_work/environment/energy/lessons_learned.html">

XWEB Webboard

If you have questions about the new template, come up with great design idea, create navigation bar modules you'd like to syndicate to other parts of the site, or encounter bugs or problems with the template, we ask you to please post them to the Webboard, as it will be beneficial to all of us as we work on this redesign.

Template Versions:

As bugs are fixed and tweaks are made to the current template and stylesheet, we will be posting the new version numbers and details here.
  • [1.0] 05/12/03 - released
  • [1.1] 05/13/03 - fixed redundant table attribute in right navigation bar at line 104, added "template version" meta tag at line 8
  • [1.2] 05/14/03 - centralized location of header graphics for side navigation modules - lines 8-9 in pubs_mod.html and lines 9-10 whatsnew_mod.html. All these graphics will now be housed in the root /modules/ directory, not in a local directory.
  • [2.0] 05/16/03 - extensive revision of the entire template and modules for browser compliance.
  • [2.1] 05/21/03 - fixed top and bottom navbar include coding, lines 19 and 222.
  • [2.2] 07/02/03 - Removed SSI browser test at line 9.
    Added marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" attributes to <body> tag at line 24.
    Removed extra spacer row at line 82.
    Changed <a href="#content"></a> to <a name="content"></a> at line 101.
  • [3.0] 12/10/04 - Extensive redesign of top header to accomodate new USAID brandmark. Also incorporates required fixes to ongoing template issues. Please see the Web Site Branding page for details. The current template can be downloaded at
  • [1.0] 05/12/03 - released
  • [1.1] 05/14/03 - added H4 header, removed underlining from side navigation link Black and White classes
  • [1.2] 06/04/03 - enlarged H2-H4 headers, fixed redundant FormInput tags, fixed ActionButton alignment issues, added color definitions for standard USAID template.

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