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Build A Web Site

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02/12/09 Update: You can now create a custom Google search bar for your web site. Please see this tutorial for instructions.

Update: The USAID Web Site is undergoing a transitional redesign. Instructions for retrofitting your pages to this new design are now available here. Additionally, the template downloads on this page are currently outdated, and a new downloadable template will be available as soon as it is available. A discussion topic has been opened on the Xweb Webboard to discuss the changes to the template and the new design. In the meantime, you can use the new Module Headers Graphic PSD to begin converting your side modules into the new template.

So you want to build a USAID Website?

Great! We look forward to helping you. The websites are an important tool for explaining to the world what you are doing, and working with USAID colleagues and contractors.

We will be happy to walk you through what you need to do. First, however, you have to answer the question: "Who is my audience?" This will determine the type of site that you need to build. The following are descriptions of audiences, followed by links on how to do the corresponding types of sites:

I want to let the general public, law and policy makers, researchers, and partners know about the work that I am doing.

I work at USAID Mission, and I want to post a website which will help me to communicate with the public, policymakers, partners, and researchers in the country which I am working.

The content I want to post is too sensitive or restricted for the general public to see, but I want agency partners to see it.

I want to create an office website, or I have information that I only want to be seen by people inside USAID.

I am working on a USAID project, and I need a website to help me to accomplish my program's goals.

If you have questions or comments about posting pages to the USAID external web, please contact Scott Gruber in LPA/IC.

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