DAILY DIGEST Vol. 13, No. 240 December 21, 1994 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- NEWS RELEASES ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- FCC PROPOSES AMENDING PART 80 OF THE RULES TO ADD PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND TO THE COAST GUARD'S DESIGNATED RADIO PROTECTION AREAS - WT DOCKET NO. 94-153 (Report No. DC-2697, Action in Docket Case) At the request of the United States Coast Guard, the Commission has proposed amending Part 80 of the rules to add Prince William Sound to the Coast Guard's designated radio protection areas for mandatory Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) and establish marine VHF Channel 11 as the VTS frequency for Prince William Sound. The Commission said the proposed rule would promote vessel safety by adding Prince William Sound to the list of designated radio protection areas for VTS systems. Action by the Commission December 16 by NPRM (FCC 94-328). News Media contact: Patricia A. Chew at (202) 418-0500; Wireless Telecommunications Bureau contact: James Shaffer at (202) 632-7197. [Internet file name: nrwl4032.txt] COMPLIANCE AND INFORMATION BUREAU ACTIVITIES News Media contact: Patricia A. Chew at (202) 418-0500; Compliance and Information Bureau contact: Jeff B. Young at (202) 418-1176. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- PUBLIC NOTICES ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADVANCED TELEVISION SERVICE SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS TARIFF TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG: December 20 Report No. A-273 - NON-COMMERCIAL EDUCATIONAL FM BROADCAST APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING AND NOTIFICATION OF JANUARY 25, 1995, CUT-OFF DATE Report No. B-167 - NON-COMMERCIAL EDUCATIONAL FM BROADCAST APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING AND NOTIFICATION OF JANUARY 25, 1995, CUT-OFF DATE Report No. 1188 - CABLE TELEVISION RELAY SERVICE (CARS) APPLICATIONS RE: APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING Report No. 3519 - CABLE TELEVISION ACTIONS Report No. 16072 - BROADCAST APPLICATIONS Report Nos. 22049 and 22051 - BROADCAST ACTIONS [Two Public Notices] Report No. NCS-95-03 - WIRELESS NARROWBAND COMMERCIAL RADIO SERVICE INFORMATION Report No. CL-95-31 - WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU COMMERCIAL RADIO SERVICES INFORMATION Report No. 1114 - WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU PART 21 RECEIPTS AND DISPOSALS - December 7 through December 14 Report Nos. D-779 and D-779-A - COMMON CARRIER BUREAU DOMESTIC FACILITIES APPLICATIONS [Two Public Notices] Report No. DS-1490 - SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES INFORMATION RE: SATELLITE RADIO APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING Report No. DS-1491 - DOMESTIC FIXED SATELLITE SERVICE Report No. I-7086 - OVERSEAS COMMON CARRIER SECTION 214 APPLICATIONS ACTIONS TAKEN Report No. I-7087 - INTERNATIONAL AND SATELLITE APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING Report No. NCS-03-A - COMMERCIAL MOBILE RADIO SERVICE INFORMATION Report No. 2047 - PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION OF ACTIONS IN RULEMAKING PROCEEDINGS Report No. 2048 - OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS PUBLIC INFORMATION AND REFERENCE SERVICES PETITION FOR RULEMAKING FILED ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- TEXTS ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- MONTROSE AND COLMAN, SD. Granted the application of Montrose School District #43-2 for ITFS Channels D1-D4 at Montrose; denied the competing application of Oldham-Ramona School District #32-5 for ITFS facilities at Colman. (By MO&O [FCC 94-311] adopted December 8 by the Commission) FOUCE AMUSEMENT ENTERPRISES, INC. Granted Fouce's complaint against Crown Cable for must-carry of Station KRCA-TV, Riverside, CA. (By MO&O [DA 94- 1452] adopted December 12 by the Deputy Chief, Cable Services Bureau) GREATER DAYTON PUBLIC TELEVISION (GDPT). Granted GDPT's complaint against Sammons Communications, Inc. for must carry of WPTO, Channel 14, Oxford, OH. (By MO&O [DA 94-1497] adopted December 15 by the Deputy Chief, Cable Services Bureau) AUTHORITY TO ISSUE SUBPOENAS. Effective upon the date of publication in the FEDERAL REGISTER, delegated authority, in accordance with the Communications Act, to the Chief, Common Carrier Bureau to issue subpoenas. (By Order [FCC 94-319] adopted December 13 by the Commission) RURAL CALIFORNIA BROADCASTING CORPORATION. Granted Rural California's complaint against TCI Cablevision of California for must-carry of KRCB-TV, Channel 22, Cotati, CA. (By MO&O [DA 94- 1460] adopted December 12 by the Deputy Chief, Cable Services Bureau) +++++++++++++++++ ADDENDA: The following items released December 20 were not listed on Digest 239: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- NEWS RELEASE ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- CHAIRMAN HUNDT DISCUSSES CABLE'S TRANSITION TO COMPETITION In an address today before the Washington Cable Club, in Washington, D.C., FCC Chairman Reed E. Hundt discussed issues facing the cable industry as it transitions to competition and away from regulation. [internet file name: spreh438.txt] ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- PUBLIC NOTICE ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ERRATUM to Report No. 22038, BROADCAST ACTIONS, released December 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- SPEECH ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- CHAIRMAN HUNDT ADDRESSES WASHINGTON CABLE CLUB, WASHINGTON, D.C., DECEMBER 20, 1994 [Internet file name: spreh438.txt]