DAILY DIGESTVol. 13, No. 213 November 10, 1994 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------- NEWS RELEASES ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- BROADCAST STATION TOTALS FCC CALENDAR OF EVENTS [Internet file name: evts4002.txt] FCC FILINGS [Internet file name: nrmc4007.txt] ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- PUBLIC NOTICES ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADVANCED TELEVISION SERVICE SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS PRIVATE RADIO BUREAU PART 21 COMMON CARRIER CANCELLATIONS - Contact: Microwave Branch at (717) 337-1421, ext 421 PUBLIC INFORMATION COLLECTION REQUIREMENT SUBMITTED TO OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET (OMB) FOR REVIEW - Contact: Judy Boley at (202) 418-0214 Report No. 16039 - BROADCAST APPLICATIONS Report No. 22023 - BROADCAST ACTIONS Report No. CL-95-12 - COMMON CARRIER PUBLIC CELLULAR RADIO SERVICE INFORMATION ----------------------------------------------------------------- --------- TEXT ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- PAGO PAGO, AMERICAN SAMOA. Effective December 27, deleted Channel 226C1 from the FM Table of Allotments, and terminated the proceeding. (MM Docket No. 94-26 by R&O [DA 94-1223] adopted November 2 by the Acting Chief, Allocations Branch, Mass Media Bureau) ######################## ADDENDA: The following items released November 9 were not listed on Digest 212: ----------------------------------------------------------------- --------- PUBLIC NOTICES ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ANNOUNCING THE HIGH BIDDERS IN THE AUCTION OF 30 REGIONAL NARROWBAND (PCS) LICENSES; WINNING BIDS TOTAL $490,901,787 - Contact: Regina Dorsey at (202) 418-1995 Report No. 22025 - BROADCAST ACTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- TEXTS ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- CABLE ORDERS. Issued 11 orders resolving 36 cable service rate complaints filed by consumers and local franchising authorities against cable operators. (By MO&Os [DAs 94-1144 through 94-1153 and DA 94-1155] adopted November 8 by the Chief, Cable Services Bureau) [11 Separate Texts]