DAILY DIGESTVol. 13, No. 177 September 20, 1994 The following items were adopted by the Commission at the September 19 meeting and released later that day: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWS RELEASES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRST ANNUAL REPORT TO CONGRESS ON CABLE COMPETITION ADOPTED - CS DOCKET 94-48 (Report DC-2653, Action in Docket Case) In compliance with the provisions of the 1992 Cable Act, adopted first annual report on the status of competition in the market for the delivery of video programming. Action by the Commission September 19 by First Report (FCC 94-235). Cable Services Bureau News Media contact: Morgan Broman at (202) 416-0856; Cable Services Bureau contacts: James Olson and Martin Stern at (202) 416-0856. [Internet file name: nrcb4031.txt] FCC TAKES ACTIONS TO ENSURE ACCESSIBILITY TO 911 SERVICES - GEN. DOCKET 94-102 (Report DC- 2654, Action in Docket Case) Initiated NPRM to ensure that wireless telephone users have access to 911 emergency services comparable to those currently available to most users of the wireline telephone network. Action by the Commission September 19 by NPRM (FCC 94-237). News Media contacts: Audrey Spivack and Rosemary Kimball at (202) 418-0500; Common Carrier Bureau contact: Suzanne Hutchings at (202) 634-1802; Office of Engineering and Technology contact: John Reed at (202) 653-7313. [Internet file name: nrcc4059.txt] FCC GRANTS APPLICATIONS TO RESELL INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LINES; UK FOUND TO OFFER EQUIVALENT PRIVATE LINE RESALE OPPORTUNITIES (Report CC-586, Common Carrier Action) Granted applications of ACC Global Corp. and Alanna Inc. to resell international private lines for provision of switched services between the US and the UK; found for the first time that the UK offers US-based resellers resale opportunities substantively equivalent to those available under US law. Action by the Commission September 19 by MO,O&C (FCC 94-236). News Media contacts: Patricia A. Chew and Susan Sallet at (202) 418-0500; Common Carrier Bureau contacts: Jennifer A. Warren at (202) 418-1460 and Diane Cornell at (202) 418-1470. [Internet file name: nrcc4060.txt] +++++++++++++ The following items were released September 20: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWS RELEASES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERACTIVE TELEWORKSHOP ON POLITICAL ADVERTISING TO BE HELD AT FCC; Contact: Fairness-Political Programming Branch a (202) 632-7586; News Media contact: Audrey Spivack at (202) 418-0500 [Internet file name: evts4014.txt] FCC ESTABLISHES 800 NUMBER AT GETTYSBURG LICENSING DIVISION AS IMPLEMENTATION OF NEW CUSTOMER SERVICE STANDARDS BEGINS - Contact: Customer Assistance Branch at (800) 322-1117 [Internet file name: nrmc4126.txt] HIGH PROFILE FOB ACTIVITIES - Contact: Jeff Young at (202) 418-1176 [Internet file name: nrmc4115.txt] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC NOTICES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARIFF TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG - Sept. 19 TARIFF TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG - INFORMATIONAL TARIFFS - Sept. 16 PUBLIC SAFETY REGION 8 APPLICATION WINDOW ANNOUNCED - Contact: Betty Woolford at (202) 632- 6497 (DA 94-1017) COMMERCIAL OPERATOR LICENSE EXAMINATION - Contact: J. Joy Alford at (202) 632-4964 PUBLIC INFORMATION COLLECTION REQUIREMENTS SUBMITTED TO OMB FOR REVIEW - Contact: Judy Boley at (202) 418-0214 MICROWAVE RADIO ASSIGNMENTS ABOVE 806 MHZ CONTAINED IN THE FCC'S MASTER FREQUENCY FILE (XFS) NOW AVAILABLE ON INTERNET - Contact: Donald Draper Campbell at Internet:dcampbel@fcc.gov (DA 94-1016) [Internet file name: pnet4002.wp] Report 94-9 - FM TRANSLATOR-BOOSTER APPLICATIONS READY AND AVAILABLE FOR PROCESSING Report 16001 - BROADCAST APPLICATIONS Report 21979 - BROADCAST ACTIONS Report CL-94-101 - COMMON CARRIER PUBLIC CELLULAR RADIO SERVICE INFORMATION Report 2029 - ASSOCIATE MANAGING DIRECTOR, PUBLIC INFORMATION AND REFERENCE SERVICES, PETITION FOR RULEMAKING FILED --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITICAL ADS. Denied petition to require audio sponsorship ID on television political ads. (MM Docket 91- 168, by MO&O [FCC 94-233] adopted September 12 by the Commission) KERMAN, CA. Proposed amending FM Table by allotting Channel 252A to Kerman; comments November 14, replies November 29 . (MM Docket 94-101, by NPRM [DA 94- 992] adopted September 12 by the Acting Chief, Allocation Branch, Policy and Rules Division, Mass Media Bureau) HALFWAY AND OZARK, MO. Effective November 7, amended FM Table by substituting Channel 225C2 for Channel 225A at Ozark; modified CP for KZPF(FM) accordingly; substituted Channel 256A for Channel 226A at Halfway and modified CP for KYOO-FM, accordingly. (MM Docket 93-186, by R&O [DA 94-993] adopted September 12 by the Chief, Policy and Rules Division, Mass Media Bureau) ERRATUM to MO&O (FCC 94-160) released July 8, 1994, concerning DAN COM PAGING, Middletown, OH (DA 94-1004) ******************** ADDENDUM: The following items, released September 19, were not listed on Digest 176: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWS RELEASES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LICENSE FOR KSBW-TV, SALINAS, CA, RENEWED, SUBJECT TO EEO REPORTING CONDITIONS AND FORFEITURE (Report MM-850, Mass Media Action) Action by the Commission September 19, 1994, by MO&O and NAL (FCC 94-239). News Media contact: Rosemary Kimball at (202) 418-0511; Mass Media Bureau contact: Kathy Harvey at (202) 632-7069. [Internet file name: nrmm4057.txt] TRANSFER OF MCCAW CELLULAR RADIO LICENSES TO AT&T APPROVED; COMPETITION AND CONSUMER CHOICE IN CELLULAR SERVICES TO INCREASE (Report CC-587, Common Carrier Action) Found that the proposed merger of AT&T and McCaw Cellular, subject to certain conditions, to be in the public interest and granted application to transfer control of McCaw's radio licenses to AT&T. Action by the Commission September 19 by MO&O (FCC 94-238). News Media contact: Rosemary Kimball at (202) 418-0511; Common Carrier Bureau contacts: Adrien Auger, Michael Carowiz, or Carolyn Roddy at (202) 418-0960. [Internet file name: nrwl4016.txt] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC NOTICES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Report No. AUC-94-04, Auction No.. 4 - COMMERCIAL MOBILE RADIO SERVICE INFORMATION - AUCTION NOTICE AND FILING REQUIREMENTS FOR THE 99 MTA LICENSES LOCATED ON THE A AND B BLOCKS FOR PCS IN THE 2 GHZ BAND - Auctions to be held starting December 5. [Internet file name:pnwl4014.txt] COMMISSION APPLIES "PERMIT BUT DISCLOSE" EX PARTE RULES TO CINCINNATI BELL TELEPHONE PETITION FOR WAIVER, CELLULAR ELIGIBILITY RULES; COMMENT DATES SET; Comments Sept. 26, replies October 3; contact: Stan Wiggins at (202) 418-1300 or Michael Wack at (202) 418-1322 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AT&T/MCCAW. See second item under "News Releases" for Addendum