DAILY DIGESTVol. 13, No. 142 August 1, 1994 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC NOTICES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEE DECISIONS OF THE MANAGING DIRECTOR AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC - Contact: Claudette Pride at (202) 632-0241 [DA 94-781] EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILINGS IN NON-RESTRICTED PROCEEDINGS - Contact: Barbara Lowe at (202) 632- 4178 Report No. 15862 - BROADCAST APPLICATIONS Report No. 21940 - BROADCAST ACTIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYRACUSE, NY. The Commission has consented to assign the license of WSNR-TV, Ind., Channel 43, in Syracuse, NY, from Salt of the Earth Broadcasting, Ltd., to Salt of the Earth Broadcasting Corp. (By MO&O [FCC 94- 185] adopted July 11 by the Commission) COMMON CARRIER SERVICE DISRUPTIONS. The Commission has adopted revised standards for reporting telephone service outages as part of its ongoing efforts to improve the reliability of the nation's telecommunications networks. (CC Docket No. 91-273 by Second R&O [FCC 94-189] adopted July 14 by the Commission) ************************* ADDENDA: The following items released July 29 were not listed on Digest 141: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPEECH --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATEMENT OF REED E. HUNDT, CHAIRMAN, FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION, BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON COMMUNICATIONS, COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE AND TRANSPORTATION ON THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION AUTHORIZATION ACT OF 1994, JULY 29, 1994 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MID-ATLANTIC CABLE SERVICE COMPANY V. HOMETEAM SPORTS AND COLUMBIA CABLE OF VIRGINIA. Dismissed with prejudice Mid-Atlantic's complaint against Home Team Sports and Columbia Associates alleging exclusivity, unfair practices and discrimination program access. (By Order [DA 94-827] adopted July 27 by the Chief, Cable Services Bureau) AMERITECH OPERATING COMPANIES. Granted Ameritech's petition for waiver of that portion of the Commission's December 19 Order, directing local exchange carriers (LECs) to provide originating WATS access lines with Feature Group A and Feature Group B services; granted all similarly situated LECs an extension until August 1, 1995, of existing waivers. (By Order [DA 94- 830] adopted July 29 by the Chief, Tariff Division, Common Carrier Bureau)